
Saturday, September 22, 2018


We saw this and it made us laugh.  SO true.  Yesterday was 92.  

Today is supposed to get to 90.  AND it's raining.  With the potential for flooding.  Rain chances are at 90% today and 70% tomorrow.  Sigh.  No mowing this weekend I would presume.  As this posts, barring a monsoon downpour, I'll be at the farm to check the house, water the plants on the porch, check around the property, look at the garden and fruit trees, and do a few things inside.  2nd Man will stay in town and work from home.

Sausage gravy with homemade biscuits
Of course the morning started with sausage gravy and biscuits.  The breakfast of champions, ha!

Hope your weekend is off to a better start...


  1. We had heavy down pour starting early hours in the morning and continuing until about 7;30 this morning when if finally started to let up. Checked the rain gauge and it was over flowing so I do know we received at least 5 in. for certain; possibly another good inch after that. Hubby wasn't able to get home; (county road hwy. 917 was barricaded off, was flooded) so he turned around and went back into town to have coffee and breakfast.
    Oh, my, sausage gravy & biscuit...…..good for the soul. Looks delicious.
    Enjoy your day and don't loose your rubber boots in the standing water like I did earlier.

  2. I was amazed at the title of this post! "Fall" has little meaning right now where I live since it is already 92 F. Pumpkins abound and the sweet potatoes are dug, but it is still summer here. Spotty showers throughout the state and none here, just hot and humid. That picture makes me want to eat sausage and biscuits even though I never do.

  3. Hoping your day at the Farm was not a complete wash-out. Plenty of thunder and rain here today.
    That sausage, biscuits, and gravy looks sooo delish! What a great way to start the day!

  4. LOL, made me laugh too. But our high here was "only" 89, which still doesn't feel like autumn! I'm so ready for some cooler weather.

  5. We dropped down to the low 80s! Woot woot! We've had record breaking temps here in S. Colorado. Went to a local place for breakfast - that of course featured sausage gravy. Needed that to fortify ourselves before going to deal with car dealers. We are doing some trading and moving to get the right truck for us to pull our glamped up 5th wheel. Three hours later and no deal but progress. And tomorrow - rest, cooking some shishisto peppers that a cousin planted just for moi. As for rain - oh please, oh please rain!

  6. Cooler weather and a bit of rain Sat. Mid 60s and now this week high 70s and low 80s in my spot in Oregon. Watered potted plants. Hope there's not a whole lot of flooding where you're at. Be safe and have a good week!


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