
Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Yesterday, I posted HERE about cleaning up the raised beds over the weekend and getting them ready for Winter sleep and/or planting.

We're still trying to decide if we want to do a Fall garden.  Of course I've missed the time for Fall tomatoes, peppers, etc, so I will have to plant things that like cold.  We might do a bed of collards, we love those, and a couple of years ago, we had success with Napa cabbage.

That being said, there WILL be planting for sure.  This box came a couple weeks ago.

What is it?

Lorz Italian seed garlic
OUR GARLIC!  Woo-hoo!  We ordered from the same place we did last year, Great Northern Garlic.  By the way, we don't get anything in return for you clicking.  We just wanted to provide the link.  You have to order earlier in the season to be guaranteed to get some (they are already sold out for this season).

This time we ordered enough to plant TWO beds of garlic.  Since we had good luck this Spring with the garlic we planted last Fall, we decided to double our yield.  We might be swimming in garlic next Spring but there could be worse things right?  

This bag of seed garlic is the same variety we grew this year.  Don't mess with a sure thing, ha.  It's currently in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator getting "chilled" so we can trick it into thinking it's Winter.  It will get a head start on doing what it does best.  We did this last season and it worked great for us.  Last year we planted the garlic on November 7th. We're aiming for the first weekend in November this year as well.  

So at least there will be planting, just not sure of the extent of the rest of the garden.  I feel like I need a break from bigger Fall gardening but then I feel like I'm missing out if there's not at least something else growing that we can harvest.

We'll see!


  1. If you're getting the rain that we are receiving it may be awhile before you will be able to do any planting.
    Looks like you will be well blessed with lots of garlic come next season.

    Nice to see that the company used shredded paper in their shipping boxes for packing. Put that shredded paper in your garden beds, mix in with your good soil and it will break down. recycle & reuse.

  2. Those are really nice garlic. Your last harvest was beautiful. Now that you have the method down, it’s a good decision to plant more.
    It’s not too late to plant some cool weather vegetables. Seedlings: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collard, mustard greens, parsley, kale, rainbow Swiss chard, lettuce. Seeds: radish, carrots, spinach, dill. Bulbs: Shallots, onions.

  3. Maybe next fall you'll have some of your own garlic to use as seed. I'm guessing you used all you harvested this year.

  4. I got whatever Lowe's was selling. If you have an overabundance, consider putting it up. I had a slender bottle of garlic in vinegar. I rinsed it when the vinegar would be a disruptive presence in a dish. I would put it up in 2 oz or 4 oz Ball jars. Tulips are beautiful. You could consider a bag of those--purple tulips in a bed of daffodils is beautiful--food for the soul. Throw the bulbs out randomly instead of planting in rows.


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