
Thursday, October 25, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

OK. today is going to be just a random picture.  One of those that just appeals to us on many levels.  Maybe because it combines much of what we like...let's see, large outdoor table, check.  Pergola cover, check.  Cut fresh flowers, check.  Lights in the pergola for nighttime, check.  Neatness factor, check.  There's even a pizza oven in the background!
Check check! ha.  

Again, nothing specific, just the overall "feel" of the photo and the area it's in.  I guess in the grand scheme of things, we like this "style".

Be inspired


  1. Pretty Awesome.
    I like how they laid the brink around the small planted tree there by the table.
    What a great place to cut flowers and put in vase; potting up containers and then fixing a pizza for later. Love that pizza oven, plus even have a place to store the wood for that pizza oven. Nice working table as well which would not be hard to make.

    1. Wouldn't this be a nice place to just sit and think? Lots of potential. You could make that table easily, because you are good like that!! :-)

  2. So nice, yes, yes, yes and yes....also lovin the old brick floor and the outside fireplace, not sure I would grow a Lemon tree that close to a fire.
    Awesome on so many levels.

    1. Ha, great observation I never thought about that. It is a little close huh? But yeah just general awesomeness.

  3. That would be a great multi-purpose "room" at the Farm for all kinds of activities. The large, moveable table could be used for a multitude of things - serving food at a party, making pizza, craft projects, potting plants, cutting flowers. If you put in electricity, you could use it for canning sessions to avoid heating up the house in summer.

    1. It is like an outdoor room, so much potential. And ooh, you have me thinking now about canning area. Hmm....

  4. That table is grand indeed. Looks like a zinc top which is so useful. Love those lights as well, would be nice hanging from the large beams in our grain bin house!

    1. Gorgeous huh? Zinc top table, we'll have to remember that. Those lights would be cool in your equally awesome grain bin house!


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