
Friday, November 23, 2018


Hope you all had a great holiday.

We had a quiet one, just the two of us, but of course we cooked for ten.  Pictures later!

Today is not only Black Friday, but leftovers day for all that food we all cooked.  How many of you went to bed last night saying "ugh, I can't eat another thing, I don't think I'll eat until Saturday..." and then woke up this morning craving leftovers?  LOL.

Rainy day here today so we'll stay in town.  We'll see how the weather is tomorrow.

Here is one last holiday food horror (we've posted one every day this week, check back each day for the others).  This one is using those above mentioned leftovers

So what do you think?

Does a cranberry jello ring filled with leftover turkey and dressing sound wonderful?

I'll catch up on comments this weekend, thank you all for the kind words!


  1. We hosted about 12 also, with 2 screaming toddlers! But life goes on and we had a great time. That jello mold looks odd...

    1. TWELVE?!?! Wow, that's a lot. Hey if everyone has a good time and leaves with full tummies, that's all that matters. And yes, "odd" is a good word, ha.

  2. yuck! I'd rather look at your handsome face again!

  3. Hmmm...I think NOT. Lol...I do love cranberry jelly, but cranberry jello somehow misses the target for me!!! Hope you had a great feast!!! :)

    1. Honestly, thinking on it, not sure if we've ever had cranberry jello. Might have to at least try it, ha.

  4. "Does a cranberry jello ring filled with leftover turkey and dressing sound wonderful?"
    Not in My Life time.
    Seeing how we had our family Thanksgiving on Sunday; I made some homemade pizzas and took them out to our daughter and son-in-laws yesterday for Thanksgiving which has kinda become a tradition; pizza, beer and / or wine and watching football makes for a fun and relaxed day.

    1. LOL, now we know how you really feel, ha. Pizza and beer? I can imagine that is a fun and certainly easier tradition ha.

  5. Out of all of these weird holiday dishes, this one sounds the least gross. The recipe said to make a turkey salad, like you'd make a chicken salad. Then the jello contains some jellied cranberry sauce, oranges, and pecans - doesn't sound too bad. Although that photo doesn't look too appetizing.
    Sounds like y'all had a scrumptious Thanksgiving feast! Looking forward to the pictures!

    1. Maybe it's the photo like you said. We had a nice dinner, just the two (three with Hobart, ha) of us. Hope you did too!!

  6. not!!!! We had good food on Thanksgiving and so much to eat. I ate that last piece of pie last night! Glad you had a good time!

    1. Ah that last piece of pie is ALWAYS the best!! ;-) Hope you had a happy and fulfilling day!


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