
Sunday, November 18, 2018


It's raining today.  Supposed to be a rainy week ahead too.

Crazy looking clouds. I believe these are called "mammatus clouds".  

It's been a weekend of getting things ready for Thanksgiving.  

No, we're NOT having Spam birds, ha!  Found some hilarious vintage Thanksgiving food horrors, will share one each day this week.

So what about it, do Spam birds sound good? 


  1. I read the recipe - slices of spam wrapped around stuffing/dressing - uh, no, no, hell no!
    Hilarious Horrors - you got that right!

    Yes, rainy and cold today - it was a great day to stay inside making soup and taking a nap with my kitty snuggled on me.

    1. Yeah, we like Spam (me more so than him, ha) but this does sound a bit much. Rainy and getting cooler. Great kitty snuggling weather for sure!!

  2. We like Spam with breakfast, fried or diced in scrambled eggs, but rolling it around dressing? Not so appetizing.

    1. My parents used to make fried spam for dinner. It was standalone (well with sides of course) but yeah this is kind of off-putting.

  3. Spam instead of turkey? Were they talking about ration points during WWII?

    1. Hey, we do love spam but yeah you have to wonder about that as a substitute for Thanksgiving.

  4. Oh, bring on the Spam. Love the stuff but No Thank You wrapped around dressing. Why spoil a good slice of Spam.
    In place of ham, I would dice up some Spam and add to my scrambled egg, omelette mixed with diced bell pepper and lots of cheese or cubed and put in with your mac and cheese or cubed and put in cold pasta salad. Oh, and then there are the Spam slider sandwiches - slice of Spam on Kings Hawaiian slider roll, spread with mustard of choice topped with a spoon full of slaw. Good even sliced and eating it straight or making a Spam sandwich on toasted bread.
    Yes, have also fixed it for breakfast' a couple of Spam slices, along with a couple eggs, sunny-side up, hash browns and toast, orange juice & coffe. ……...great breakfast to start the day.

    1. We like Spam too (well, me more than 2nd Man) but yeah no on this one, ha. Spam and eggs is what we had growing up. Very good. I like your other ideas too. Will check that out.

  5. Replies
    1. WHAT? No Spam for you? I will admit I do love the stuff. But I understand some do not.


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