
Saturday, November 10, 2018


I'm at the farm this morning.  2nd Man is staying in town because he has to work.  It's a drizzly, windy, cold day.  Not much I can do at the farm either, cold inside the house and wet and cold outside.  

Our first freeze of the season is coming mid-week.  It's not a plant or pipe worrying freeze though.  The "long range" forecast has us back to the upper 70's next week.  It's Houston, wait a few days and the weather will be completely different.  

As you can see it's drab and dreary today.  I'll water the plants on the porch, make sure anything that might be freeze sensitive is protected just in case do a few projects inside and then I'll head back into town this afternoon. 
More later this weekend. Hope yours is warmer and not quite as rainy!


  1. A tad chilly this morning. In fact we had frost on the ground and did cover up our water faucet yesterday. From all the rain we have had; our yard is still a muddy mess; no standing water, just muddy.
    It's 40 deg. at the moment but the sun is shining here but still too chilly to be doing any painting on my cabinet unit. :{

    Yes, do protect them plants; watering well and put a cloth of some sort over the top. I get old cloth covers (old sheets, etc. )at thrift / Goodwill stores

    Have a great weekend and stay warm.

    1. Frost? We're still (hopefully) a ways off from frost but we will have some cold weather this week. I have some old sheets but our problem is putting them on and then having to take them off but we're not there until the weekend. We'll have to use the freeze cloth. But when we are there full time, I like the idea of using some thrift store sheets. Great idea!

  2. Hope you got everything done quickly at the Farm so you could get back to a warm home.
    Since it’s cold and dreary, I stayed inside. My kitty snuggled on my lap and we both took a nap - perfect napping weather.

    1. As you know, it was cold. And the wet makes it feel even colder. Oh and the wind. I like kitty snuggles and napping, life is good. Stay warm yourself!!


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