
Wednesday, December 19, 2018


This past weekend brought more collard greens and so we're experimenting!

2nd Man made some homemade pasta (using the farm eggs we got from 2nd Family) and needed to make a topping for it.  I missed a few photos but it's all pretty basic.

Homemade pasta
The pasta is just a standard recipe; flour, eggs and olive oil, kneaded, rolled out and cut into strips.  Of course you can use dried pasta (and we would have if we had had some in the pantry).

 Butternut squash
Then we had some butternut squash and he cut it into cubes (two here in this picture, he only used one).  He fried a few slices of bacon in a skillet and set that aside and in the same pan, he fried up the squash cubes.  He cooked them about 10 minutes or until they started to soften and then added a batch of collards. Cook again until the collards were done and the squash was golden and fork tender.  In this case it was about 10 more minutes.

Butternut squash and collards over pasta
He added the bacon to the squash/greens mixture, about 2 TBSP of pasta water and stirred it around in the pan to create a bit of a sauce and just served it by pouring it over the pasta.  

It was a great combination of flavors another very  "Fall inspired" dish.


  1. That looks so delicious and healthy! I like making my own pasta, I think it tastes better than the boxed stuff, but it sure is an endeavor!! :)

    1. It is good when it's homemade isn't it? 2nd Man has it down pretty good but I wouldn't have a clue, ha.

  2. Mmmmm, I love butternut squash especially at breakfast or instead of turnip. Spaghetti squash is also really good.

    1. It's sooo good right? Do you know I don't think I've ever had spaghetti squash. I know, what? I'll have to remedy that.

  3. Looks delicious and colorful - and made with homemade pasta - yum! 2nd Man cooks up another beautiful dish!

    1. Colorful for sure. We eat with our eyes first, right? Ha. Thank you!

  4. Yes, on what Texas Rose said.

    I have had an electric pasta machine (not the hand crank one) that is still in box (was a gift) that I have had for a few years now and I have yet to use it.
    Makes just about any kind of pasta possible. Guess the only reason I hadn't used it is that it is so big that it takes up a lot of room on my counter.

    1. All these cool and fun kitchen appliances are neat but dang we have the same issue they take up so much room, either on the counter or finding a place to store it.


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