
Sunday, December 23, 2018


 After the boring garden pics, there will be a food pic at the end of this post, we promise, ha.

We went to the farm Saturday morning and spent the day doing projects.  I thought this picture was interesting.  The pasture behind us (over 100 acres) is brown and "wintry" looking.  Our yard is green.  

I'd like to say it's my great gardening skills but alas, I think it's just that the weeds have not yet gone dormant!  Still, it's nice to have some green color in the yard, even in Winter.

Cabbage is still growing nicely, but no cabbages yet.  Hoping a few more weeks.  Not sure why it's so late this season.  Maybe I got it in the ground too late, maybe it was too warm early on, who knows?  It certainly looks good otherwise so we'll wait and see.

Garlic growing nicely (both beds)...

Collards are still giving us leaves to harvest so we cut another batch yesterday and brought them into town so we could use them for something...

I also cut some more bay leaves and have them drying in the window ledge.

FOOD!  I promised food!

One of my coworkers makes tamales.  In the Hispanic culture, tamales are a sort of holiday tradition.  She gave us two dozen, a dozen pork and a dozen chicken.  2nd Man made some Mexican rice and spicy beans, I made some guacamole with pico de gallo blended in and we added a few slices of avocado, just because, ha.  It was a wonderful meal!

So far, we're halfway through our long weekend. Slept in today.  I think there are steaks on the menu tonight.  Hope you are having a great weekend yourselves!  


  1. i love tamales and make them occasionally. hope you guys have a merry xmas!!!

    1. they are so good! Thank you, same to you and your wonderful family (fur babies included!)

  2. never had tamales. yuletide greetings to you and 2nd man and sweet hobart!

    1. What? No tamales? Well if you ever get to Houston, hit us up, we'll make sure you do!! ;-)

  3. What a contrast between the pasture and your yard - I guess the livestock ate the winter weeds as they emerged.
    Your beautiful winter garden – isn’t it fun to go out each week and see its growth and then pick some produce!
    Tamales – mmm! Your supper looks so delicious.

    1. Thank you! Yes, you know that's a good point they do have a hundred or so head of cattle so maybe they have eaten it all. And yes, going out, picking some stuff and bringing it in is so rewarding.

  4. Oh my god I haven't had a good tamale dinner since I left Texas. Jealous! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and all that good stuff. Mary V

    1. Thank you, she definitely makes AMAZING tamales. Come on back to Texas and we'll share, ha. Thank you for the wishes, same to you and yours.

  5. About 100 years ago, I worked in a largely Hispanic community, and there were amazing friends who made me tamales every Christmas. It has never, ever been the same (even though i order them from a place in Texas to try). Now I am just jealous!!!


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