
Sunday, December 30, 2018


We've had a typical Houston area Winter day, cold (low 40's) and damp (making the cold feel worse than it is).

Cold farm day
Went to the farm briefly yesterday, but it was just too uncomfortable out there.  All I could think of was being inside where it's warm but of course still no heat at the farm which means no warm respite.  Well, we have electric plug in heaters but it would take quite a while to warm up a cold house.

So we are staying inside in town today.

Clearance turkeys
The other day at lunch, I was at the grocery store and they had this:  fresh turkeys on sale for $5.00 each.  I bought two, 14 lbs each.  Our fridge is FULL!

They are "sell by" 01/20 so we've got time.  We will be roasting them up and bagging the meat for the freezer.  We like it during the year in things like turkey tetrazzini, turkey pot pie, etc.

We'll have a cooking weekend soon.

Houston sunset
Sunset from the apartment balcony last night.  Cold but pretty!

No freeze for us though this week so we're OK there.  It'll just be cold and wet.  New Year's coming too. 2nd Man is off Monday and Tuesday and I'm off Tuesday but have to work Monday.  Our office is hoping the boss gives us a half day off.  Another four day weekend would have been nice.  I could get used to that, LOL!

Hope you are having a good weekend. 


  1. Maybe it would be nice if you put a small woodstove in your house - quick heat, no electricity. Some are even made to burn pellets, for people who don't, won't, or can't chop wood.
    We use the woodstove as our primary source of heat, the furnace is only set to 69 degrees in the winter (our winter is snow & ice and very cold temperatures).

    1. We're thinking of some renovations this coming year and that's definitely a good idea. Thank you for that suggestion, will look those up, I like the idea of pellets.

  2. wow that was cheap turkey! I would have bought more and butchered it into joints, mind you I would have to anyway as my stove oven is tiny!

    1. It was too good a deal to pass up. Had we a bigger freezer, we might have bought more. But that could also come with some renovations. We like the idea of butchering it into joints. Smart!

  3. i wish i could find 5.00 turkeys! 40 is warm! we are in the 40's today and i'm hating it. i need snow and winter!

    1. I wish we had space for more ha. Our HEB grocery chain is always having great specials after Thanksgiving and Christmas for turkeys. We know that next year they'll have them again. Maybe next year we'll have more freezer space.

  4. I agree about the wood stove, it makes the cottage so nice and cozy! And it's fun to chop wood! :) Great deal on those turkeys!!! I probably would have bought too many to fit in the freezer lol!!! Wishing you and your 2nd Man a lovely 2019!!! :)

    1. Thanks, great idea indeed. And yes, I SO wanted to buy more. But two will give us enough for awhile. Theoretically, ha.

  5. What a great deal on those turkeys! Good idea to roast them and then have ready for a recipe in the future.
    This damp cold really seeps into a person. It was a great day for making soup. I made Turkey-Rice soup from the bones of the Thanksgiving turkey – really good and warming for this cold day.

    1. Yep, we like to have the meat in 2 cup packages ready to go. Soup IS good on this day. It's just like you said, the damp cold just seeps into your bones.

  6. Wonderful deal on them turkeys and Butterball turkey's besides. (only turkey I will buy is Butterball.

    Was cold, damp and cloudy all day today. Our high was 41 and down to 38 but then tomorrow in the 60's with a low of 33. Needless to say it was cold enough today that I wore my parka.

    Hubby has to work at both jobs Mon. & Tuesday so I will be spending a very quiet evening come Mon. & Tuesday night.
    Wishing you and 2nd Man a Very Happy New Years.

    1. Yes, $5 for any size, they had 20 lb turkeys! We had to get what we could easily manage, both the cooking and the storage, ha. (HEB by the way). It's bone chilling cold here too, though a bit warmer than you. Now we will be warmer during the day tomorrow but I think Wed its cold again.

      Stay warm and everyone be safe for New Year's (at home and work!)

  7. I would be tempted to buy several turkeys at that price!
    Sorry the cold drove you from the farm. We went to the lake place yesterday and stayed about 3 hours. Too windy and too wet to enjoy it, so we just did a couple of chores then headed home.

    1. If we had the fridge space here in town and the freezer space for the after cooking, we would. But two will keep us in turkey meat for awhile, ha. They do this every year so maybe this time next year we'll have more space. Y'all understand, we do the same thing. This time of year if it's just too wet and cold, we just do the chores we need to, water plants on the porch, little projects, etc and then come back. It's still nice, like a mini vacation.

  8. Wow, that was some sale on fresh turkeys. I would never see a sale like that here in NC and there are turkey farms in some of the inland counties here.

    1. That's so funny I always think everyone has these kinds of sales. We see it every year. I guess we should consider ourselves fortunate and take advantage every time we see it, ha.


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