
Wednesday, December 5, 2018


This past weekend we had our first harvest of collard greens.  I cut a stack of leaves and then washed and cleaned them. 

Collard greens
Cut the tough center stems out, roll them in stacks and slice into nice julienne type strips.

I handed it over to 2nd Man, ha.

We had some baby spinach leftover from another dish and a package of sausage.  All the trappings of a home cooked meal from random ingredients, ha. 

He dug around in the pantry and also found an onion.  He sliced up the onion and the sausage.

Since the collards take the longest to cook, put them, the sausage and the onion into a skillet with a little olive oil just to get everything cooking.  Cover and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes.

Remove the lid, add the spinach, stir it around and put the lid back on for about 10 more minutes or until spinach is softened and all is done.

Turn off the heat, add a couple tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and stir it up.

Collard greens, onions and sausage
Dish it up and serve!

The flavors of the sausage sautéed in the pan with the onion and collards and spinach and balsamic is REALLY good.  It's a very "Fall" dish. 


  1. Looks Outstanding. 'Food for the Soul, Wine for the Spirit.'

    1. So very true!!! Hmm, speaking of, we need to feed our spirit soon, ha.

  2. You're making me hungry. My mother cooked turnip greens with pork chops for me whenever I would visit her when she had turnip greens in the garden. I could eat them 3 times a day! Your recipe reminded me of that.

    1. Aww, thanks!! And that sounds delicious with the pork chops. And I've become a real fan of greens like this. They are so flavorful.

  3. Oh gosh, that looks fantastically delicious. Can't go wrong with any of those ingredients.

    1. thanks, they are simple and flavorful and all come together nicely. Plus you can just change it up the way you like it, add some pepper flakes for spicy, maybe a little garlic, etc.

  4. Yum, that looks delicious! Y'all make the most wonderful dishes from just ingredients in your kitchen - signs of great cooks!

    1. That literally was just whatever we had on hand. It came out well. Thank you!!

  5. Looks delish! Alton Brown also has a great recipe for collards that uses smoked turkey necks.

    1. Oooh we love Alton, will have to check that out. Thank you!!


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