
Thursday, December 13, 2018


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Image via
OK, so last Thursday, we posted a picture of an outdoor screened in "bedroom".  While looking for pictures  online, we saw this.  We kind of like the way this is set up.  With a change of furniture it could be a dining area OR a bedroom...or any other room we wanted to make it.  

The two level outside is not necessary, what we liked is the idea of the steps up onto a platform and then having the screened in room built on there.  Of course a platform around it would allow for more use of the space outside of the screened area, chairs, plants, etc.  Maybe a cross between the one last week and this one.

Hey, if that didn't work out we could turn it into an aviary!  HA!

Be inspired!


  1. What a great all purpose area. Like the steps going up to the next level and having the picnic table up there for entertaining and maybe a spot to set up a BBQ grill as well.
    So many possibilities in an area like this.
    Totally Awesome

    1. The steps are kinda cool. nice to have an outdoor space and a covered, screened in space.

  2. I love this. Actually we're discussing an outdoor kitchen with dining area, so this would be perfect.

    1. Thanks, isn't it cool? Wow I could totally see something like this combined with an outdoor kitchen. I'm always surfing the net for ideas for things. That's why when I see something I run it past 2nd Man and if he likes it and we agree, we save it and post it, ha.

  3. If you manage to re-create all the ideas you have posted on Thursdays your place is going to be magnificent and featured in magazines for others to gather ideas. I'm going to keep watching to see that you carry this off.

    1. Hey we've already done a few over the years. We're saving up and making plans. Of course sometimes they are duplicates and variations on the same idea. case in point this week and last week. A screened in room would definitely be in our future. But a bedroom like last week? Or a dining room like this week? Or would just an outdoor screen in room somewhere that could become either/or? We're about to start some renovations on the house next year so we'll see how it all goes. Thanks for coming along for the ride, ha!

  4. My bad, immediately I was thinking I could keep chickens in it!

  5. Another great idea! I like the idea of a multi-use room. A skylight to see the stars would be dreamy!

    1. Yeah, a screened room that could become what we wanted when we wanted it would not be bad.


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