
Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Well, it's here!

Today we are off.  It's a day to sleep in and rest up. No more holiday's off until Memorial Day.

I will reply to all of your well wishes from yesterday and last night but now we want to say to you all, we wish you the best New Year of all.  Here's hoping that 2019 turns out to be a great year for everyone.

And look what came in the mail yesterday!
'Tis the season for SEED CATALOGS!  Two at one time!  Talk about timely!  It's always a good time to daydream about Spring things in the middle of the afternoon...oh wait, is that how the song goes?


  1. Happy New Year to you both. Wishing you a wonderful 2019.

  2. happy 2019! i'm sicker than a dog and i have a party in 4 hours that i can't cancel. i hope the rest of the year goes better!

    1. OH NO! So sorry about that. I hope your party went ok (knowing you, I bet it was fabulous just the same!)

  3. Happy New Year! :) Ooooh seed catalogs...I got a few last week in the mail!! :)

    1. Thanks!!! And boy, don't they time those catalogs right?

  4. Happy New Year one & all.
    Happy New Year
    Author: Catherine Pulsifer

    H appiness depends upon your outlook on life. - Find the good in all situations
    A ttitude is just as important as ability.- Keep your attitude positive
    P assion find yours this year! - Do what you love and you will never work
    P ositive thoughts make everything easier.- Stay focused and stay positive
    Y ou are unique, with special gifts, use them. - Never forget you have talent

    N ew beginnings with a new year.
    Enthusiasm a true secret of success.
    W ishes may they turn into goals.

    Y ears go by to quickly, enjoy them.- Wisdom from your elders, listen
    E nergy may you have lots of it. - Take care of yourself
    A ppreciation of life, don't take it for granted. - Live each day
    R elax take the time to relax in this coming year.- Keep a balance in your life

    1. I was up early to make some Lucky Pennies & delivered before the parade came on.
      Kind of a tradition to make Lucky Pennies on New Years Day and then package them and share with family,neighbors, & friends.

    2. Lucky pennies? I'll have to google that. Sounds like fun. Happy New Year!!!

    3. Guess I should had mentioned that 'Lucky Pennies' are a small homemade cookies

  5. Happy New Year!
    Ohhh, seed catalogs! Perfect for garden dreaming in the gray days of winter.

    It was in the 60’s and partly sunny, so I celebrated today by spending time in my yard and garden. I dug up some volunteer lettuce and cilantro plants for a friend. Cut some antique roses for a pretty, fragrant bouquet for my house. Snipped some shallot greens for cooking. Then came in and made some cornbread, cabbage, and black-eyed peas for a traditional New Year’s meal.
    Wishing the very best to y’all this year!

    1. You were a busy lady!! I love it. I can just imagine the peacefulness of your day. Best to you and best to all of us for a better 2019 with hope for the future. :-)

  6. Happy New Year to you both. Wishing you a year of health, happiness, a great garden and fabulous dinners! Now go read those seed catalogs!

    1. I think I've read the pages off, ha. Thank you same to you and yours!!!


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