
Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Super simple dinner this weekend.  One of my favorites and another three (main) ingredient meal.

Here they are in all their pre-cooking glory...

Three ingredient dinner
A pork loin, rubbed in olive oil and herbs de Provence (with lavender), sweet potatoes and peas.

We wrap the sweet potatoes in foil, roast them in the oven at the same time as the pork loin.  The pork loin is put in a dutch oven, covered, and roasted at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.  Then 15 minutes with the lid off.  When it's all done (internal temp about 150-155), we remove the pork loin to rest, put the peas in the dutch oven and place it on the stove top and let it heat up in the juices from the pork loin. 

Pork Loin dinner with sweet potatoes and peas
We mash the sweet potatoes with a bit of butter and some garlic power (it's a great combination) and then dish it all up.  The flavors all work so well.  And again, it's just so easy and simple.



  1. I would never have thought about lavender and pork. interesting. as I would be afraid it would taste of soap

    1. LOL. Herbs de Provence has lavender in it (true herbs de Provence) and no, they do not taste soapy, ha. I was afraid of that too. That's why it's important if you do use it, buy something that is premixed by a reputable herb company. If you want the lavender experience of course. You can get it without too.

  2. Yum - another great meal! Lovely colors also. And only one pot to wash - even better!

    1. Yep it was one pot. Super easy and I've always liked the color on the plate as well.

  3. I love simple meals! I've never thought of lavender as a cooking herb - interesting! I will have to try it. And I agree that sweet potatoes are excellent with garlic. I always season my sweet potato oven fried with garlic - yummy!

    1. The blend we use is from Morton and Bassett, they seem to have the perfect ratio. Lavender is very little but it adds a depth of flavor that is subtle. I'll have to put up a post on the brand. And isn't sweet potato and garlic a great combo? Some people think it odd but it really works.

  4. Great way to cook the peas!
    Michelle in Wellington, New Zealand.

  5. hm, I just bought some herbs de Provence, wanting to experiment with it but I've only used it on chicken so far. I'll have to try this.

    1. Just a TBSP or so and some olive oil to make a paste and then rub it all over the pork loin. It's as easy as that.

  6. That looks amazing! Especially the mashed sweet potatoes!!!! I love sweet potatoes - I am going to try them mashed with butter and garlic soon! YUM!

    1. Yep butter and garlic. Just be careful, they are very moist and when mashed can be batterie if you add too much butter. Just kind of too your consistency preference.


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