
Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Well it finally happened!  I was able to MOW for the first time since October, ha.  I went to the farm, not expecting much because it was gray and overcast, looked like it might rain, and in Houston there was on and off rain most of the week.  There has been standing water for weeks.  I even told 2nd Man to stay in town as I wouldn't be gone long.  I was mainly going to check on things after the freeze earlier last week.

I got there and it was dry!

And sunny!

And there was a cool breeze!

I went into the shed and dusted off the John Deere.

I filled it with gas...

I rolled it out...

It fired right up...

I was back on the Zen Machine!

Here is a before.  It looks pretty but believe me, it was overwhelming.  I really thought if I couldn't mow for another week or two (heavy rain expected this week) I'd have to hire it out.  In spots it was more than ankle deep.

But it was dry and I was able to mow without a problem.  I left the clippings down, I always do with the first couple of mows of the season as it helps the new growth coming in.

Here is the side yard, before...

And after...ahh, much better!

As an example, here is one of the heaviest spots.  You can see how tall it was.  Now mind you much of that is not grass, it's a longer weed that we get down here in these parts, and while it looks green and fluffy, it's a pain to deal with, ha. 

Of course, I was so "in the zone" while mowing, I didn't think to stop to check the fuel level like I usually do.  So of course I ran out of gas...and had to walk two acres to the shed to get the can and then carry it back two acres to fill it up.

At least it was cool!

Here is an app I have on my phone that maps my mowing in real time and records the history of each mow.  Saturday I mowed a total of 4 acres and covered a distance of 7.4 miles.  At two hours, it was a longer than normal mowing session (probably why I ran out of gas) but I did cut some new areas.

All in all, it was SUCH a satisfying weekend.  I really feel like I accomplished a lot.  I didn't get to edge yet but I think with the still cooler temps, it won't grow much and this coming weekend I can do that. 

Now here is the mystery...

This is an old wheelbarrow that we have under a tree.  It was going to be one of my refinishing projects this Spring/Summer but as I was mowing near it, I noticed a lot of dirt.  I thought that was weird, I didn't remember any dirt piled up next to it.  Then I looked around to the front of it.

I saw this hole.  A very LARGE hole (you could easily roll a soccer ball into it).  Um, yeah, no, I didn't stay around to see what was inside.  I thought about tossing a stick or pebble in it but then I imagined something charging out and my imagination took off from there.  I'll wait on that. 

When I got home and showed 2nd Man he said "why didn't you put one of the trail cameras near it?"


I can't believe I didn't think of that.  Sigh.  I'll do that this coming weekend and then we'll have to wait another week after that to see "what lies beneath".  Armadillo?  Opossum?  Fox?  Werewolf?

Stay tuned!



  1. We're living the condo life now, but used to have 1 1/2 acres and I remember the satisfaction of a yard well mowed.
    Yes, I vote Armadillo, too, but then you never know. . .

    1. Two for 'dillo, ha. Ah yes a yard well mowed is so satisfying.

  2. Oh, the smell of fresh mowed grass.
    It could be an Armadillo or even a fox. Check for animal tracks around the hole or loose hairs that my be laying around or on the roots.
    You may also want to check around your sheds making sure there are no holes dug underneath. If so, then you may want to set out a trap or have someone to come out and set the traps for you.
    I would set up your cameras around that area and you just may find out who's doing the digging.

    Identifying animal holes.

    1. WOW, those are some cool websites. Thank you for the links. There re supposed to be foxes in the area, 2nd Family has even seen one on the road once. Definitely going to get the camera there. Oh and I mow around the sheds in several passes and I always look for holes. All good so far.

  3. Replies
    1. Stay tuned. I will have to get the camera set up Saturday and then pick it up the following weekend.

  4. I guess you have some new neighbors!

  5. Looking at it, I am also in the armadillo camp! It looks very similar to the one the neighborhood armadillo has down the block.

    1. Another armadillo vote. And yep, lets face it, armadillos ARE synonymous with Texas, ha.

  6. My son mowed my yard last week for the first time since autumn. Penelope likes the short grass. Long grass tickles her tummy when she pees, so he really mows for her. I hope you don't have something nasty living in that hole.


    1. Tis the season I guess. Now that is too cute about the long grass on her tummy. Too cute!!!

  7. Wow, what a difference between the before and after pictures of your yard! From "holy cow, what a mess" to "wow, I’m impressed!" You accomplished a LOT on your “short” trip out to the Farm. And just in time because it looks like we’re going to get a big rain again.

    Your mystery hole looks like an armadillo has taken up residence under the wheelbarrow. It’s been quiet all winter there and I guess he decided it would be a great place to settle down in. He’ll probably move out now that there is more activity again.

    1. Yeah, the 'short' trip was about 6 hours total, ha. It was nice to get it done, just such a 'mental relief'. Yep,big rains coming and cold weather again. This must be the last blast of winter for sure.

      Armadillo voter, ha!

  8. if that hole was up here in NY I'd say "woodchuck". They always like to dig under things. Usually a building, but a wheelbarrow would do.

    1. Maybe armadillos are the Texas equivalent of woodchucks? LOL! Thanks for stopping by!!!

  9. It's way too small for a werewolf. Do we have foxes in Texas? (said the city girl) Glad you're back on the zen machine.

    1. Miniature werewolf? Toy werewolf? Werewolfdoodle?

      yes, there are foxes (I had no idea). "J" saw one about 5 miles away running across the road last year.

  10. Well, we don't have armadillo's in Virginia, but plenty of ground hogs. Looks like a ground hog hole to me. Can't believe you are mowing already - I think we will have to start hydroponic gardening - so much rain . . . . .

    1. I don't know if we have those here. We'll soon see (or not if it's camera shy, ha). I hear you about hydroponic gardening, we have had a lot this season (except for last week apparently). Hope you dry out a bit so you can have fun outside too!

  11. Replies
    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by!! A 'dillo hole voter! Stay tuned! :-)

  12. Can you please tell me the name of the app? We have expansive ground to mow* and I would sure like to have an app to give me the details!
    *Word to the wise: Don't keep mowing 'a little more here' & 'a little more there'... or you (like us) may end up with what other folks refer to as 'a park-like estate' when you really only intended to cut back that tall stuff that the skunks are hiding in, and maybe just tidy up this edge of that old pond, and, and, and... infinitum.

    1. Yes, in fact, I'll put up a post on it. It's called MowerPlus. It's free and while geared toward John Deere, it really is just a tracking app that uses your phone and the fact you are riding ON something, it doesn't have to be a Deere. The cool thing is it keeps track, you can share an animated map using google earth that shows your mowing path around your property. It also keeps track season after season. Let me see if I can put together a post for Saturday or Sunday. A couple of others have emailed me to ask about it as well.

    2. That would be wonderful, thank you!

  13. I'm with SmartAlex, if you were further North I'd vote Ground Hog/Woodchuck too. I nearly stepped in one of their holes. It was big and deep. Would have snapped my leg like a twig.

    1. Yikes now that is scary and dangerous. This hole could have done that if it weren't tucked up under the old wheelbarrow. Be safe!!

  14. I say put up the trail camera. I wouldnt go near it, it could be a badger set and they are vicious beasts.

    1. Like in the famous honey badger video? Ha. I'll set up the camera and see what we capture. On video of course, ha.


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