
Friday, April 19, 2019


HA!  We love a good play on words like this.  

Well we had storms and heavy rain yesterday morning, and then it passed on through and now it's cool and beautiful.  The plan for this Easter weekend is to clean out the rest of the garden beds (more on that this weekend) and the raised beds that hold the fruit trees behind the house.

But more on all that tomorrow.  For now, just have a laugh, the world could sure use some more laughter after this week, that's for sure.


  1. Wishing everyone a very Happy and Safe Easter weekend.

  2. Thanks for the cute funny – I love word plays also.
    It sure was stormy for several hours. Glad that we got an inch of rain from it.

    Wishing both of y’all a very Happy Easter! It’s supposed to be a nice, sunny day, so your time at the Farm should be great.


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