
Monday, April 15, 2019


Stormy sky
I find these pictures day storms, the next day sunny and clear.  The top was from Saturday.  As ominous as this looks, it actually barely sprinkled.  Thankfully it was just wind and thunder and lightning.  On Sunday there wasn't a cloud in the sky, just blue, clear, cool and beautiful.

It was weird.  Saturday was not going to be a day to do stuff there anyway because of the imminent weather threat and the fact that we were going to the rugby game at the new stadium (we lost, ugh). 

So yesterday I was able to go and get my Zen on, ha.  For the first time in two weeks.  It needed it.

Here is my mowing stat for the day.  About average, an hour and a half. 

It was all done and looking nice. With our unusually cool temperatures we suddenly have, I'm hoping it won't need to be mowed this coming weekend.  I really need to edge but I forgot to stop and buy trimmer line for the weedeater.  Oops!

In other good news, I was finally able to get the Meyer lemon tree I had left to plant in the last raised bed.  The other two (lime and orange) are looking great after two weeks.  I watered them all well since there was so little rain Saturday and none in the forecast (at least at this point in the week anyway).

Did a few other things, I'll share more pics in upcoming posts.

So now we have a mini orchard in the back yard.  I am thinking of some fig trees.  I also have the banana tree a coworker gave us and a muscadine grapevine I'm trying to figure out where/how to plant.  They need to be trellised and can take up space.  Oh and have a pecan tree that needs to go in the ground but THAT is going to have to be in the right spot since they get HUGE.

Also have some "forgotten fruit trees" I'll share a post about soon.  

Hope your weekend was good!


  1. Our rain started around 4:15am along with some lightening and thunder and continued all day on Friday and ended up with 2 & 1/2 inches but rest of the weekend was beautiful. Did manage to get our yard all mowed the day before. Always a good job done but will have to mow again probably this coming weekend.
    Something to think about before planting new trees,(pecan tree, etc so where and when you decide to build that you don't have any large trees, etc. in the way of building. Your grapevine you could maybe plant on the outside of your garden area.

    1. Grapevine trellis you can make it simple or as fancy as you want.


  2. Zip ties work in some weedeaters

  3. What a contrast those two pictures show - dark and gloomy one day, then bright and sunny the next. We missed the storms but we also missed the rain. So I’m having to water all of the flowers, vegetables, and seeds that I’ve been planting this spring.
    So glad you got the last of your fruit trees planted. Your mini orchard will soon be providing you with lots of delicious fruit and wonderful things to can and freeze.

  4. If you have a fence line you can plant the muscadines on them or plant them at a tree line and they will take over. I have muscadines no one planted that are now spreading to my redbud trees. Time to do some major pruning!


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