
Monday, May 13, 2019


It was a stormy weekend.  But not so stormy that I couldn't mow!  Which was a good thing.  Woke up Saturday morning and it was a line of storms to the South and a line of storms to the North.  I saw this as my window of opportunity as later in the day, the collision of the two lines were going to produce big storms with flooding downpours. 

When I got to the farm, I noticed that the road in front of the property was graded down to dirt and is about to be resurfaced.  By the way, if you want an idea of the property size along the road (the front of the property) this is standing in the driveway and all the way down to where that road dead ends into the other road is the entire front of our property.  It's sort of shaped like a slice of pie.  

Anyway, we're excited we'll have a nice, smooth, new road.  This might be why they worked the ditch along the front of our property a few weeks back.  Our tax dollars at work, we're OK with that. 

I parked the car facing out so I could leave in case it was a monsoon (this was taken after I mowed). 

I was able to mow, it was routine, not too wet and there was a cool breeze.  I checked my app history and this was within about 4 minutes of almost every mow I've done.  Funny how it's just so routine it doesn't vary much.  

This is the "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" plant that a coworker gave me for my birthday last year.  I didn't get it in the ground but it's very happily blooming on the porch. Wow, does it ever smell good.  

This was interesting (pardon the blurry photo, the wind had started blowing like crazy and I couldn't get the focus to work, ha).  Anyway, this is the 'wheat crop' that we have accidentally growing.  I was hoping to remove it this weekend to start drying some of it for decorative uses later but the rain stopped that.  Of course when I saw this, I realized that nature is doing what it does best I guess and it's already turning brown.  This coming weekend is supposed to be clear so I should be able to get it pulled up and harvest some nice pieces for use later.

This was the sky to the North when I started hearing thunder.  Time to head out.  I stayed for a bit as the rain started gently, but the radar showed that monsoon rains were coming, as well as hail and sure enough, about the time I got back into town, the skies opened up and stormed all the rest of the day.  I think we got another couple of inches at the farm.  The bad stuff stayed away.

Sunday was not much better, at least early in the day. In fact, we did not have Internet service for most of the day so I didn't get to catch up on comments and I didn't get to post yesterday to say "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" to all those wonderful Moms who give so much of themselves to their kids.  

And for 2nd Man and I, we've lost both our Moms and so we think of them with love on this day as well.

Hope your weekend was better!


  1. The "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" plant is Gorgeous and I'm sure the bees and butterflies love it as well.
    Having a nice paved road out there will be nice.
    Your wheat sure is coming along. Sometimes it's just best to let mother nature take it's course.

    Hope everyone one of your mother's out there had a wonderful Mother's Day.

    Lost my mom 9 years ago and hubby lost his mother in a car accident just a few short hours after our wedding 50 years ago but they are never forgotten.

  2. The window of mowing opportunity turned out to be just right! Glad you got it done.
    I got 5.5 inches total. Everything has now gone into growing overdrive.
    But looks like the rains aren’t over yet. Rain is forecast for the next several days.
    Your YT&T plant is gorgeous. I have several and it’s one of my favorites - easy-care, beautiful, fragrant, and perennial.
    Your accidental wheat crop did well. You’re going to get some beautiful decorative stalks. If you have any extra, you could use it for bird seed.

  3. You've had some really bad weather to deal with this spring, so it's nice to get even a short reprieve. Looks like you put it to good use!


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