
Friday, June 7, 2019


Going to try something different on Fridays and tackle some of the "great food debates" in the culinary world.  You know, like we had a few weeks back with the "dark meat/white meat" debate, ha.

This week, the burning question is:

Yes, there are two kinds of people in the world.  Those who put their ketchup on the side of the fries (that would be 2nd Man) and those who drizzle it all over (that would be me, 1st Man).  

We never knew that was a thing but apparently it is a source of great debate among foodies.  At first we thought it might be a generational thing but since he and I both do it differently, and we're only 3 years apart in age, that's not it.  

So, what about you...ON THE SIDE or DRIZZLE?


  1. Actually when we do go out for burger and fries I have my ketchup on the side but when I make fries at home I make pepperoni pizza fries using the mini pepperoni and shredded mozzarella cheese over top and put in the oven for about 5-7 min.
    I either make my own fries or buy a bag of the frozen.

    1. Pepperoni pizza fries? OMG that sounds wonderful!!

  2. Gravy or vinegar

  3. Replies
    1. A vote for ranch. I've done that on occasion with fries. However it's ketchup most of the time for me. Or honey mustard.

  4. On the side because I'm also a cheeseburger dipper!

    1. Oh I'm a burger dipper too, though since it's drizzled on, my burger dipping just gets into whatever is on the plate, ha.

  5. i think there are actually 5 kinds of people. ketchup on or on the side, malt vinegar or gravy or the biggie, mayonnaise. i most often use mayonnaise.

    1. Mayo! I was going to mention mayo since I do that (2nd Man thinks it's weird, ha) but the funny thing is, I drizzle the ketchup but when I use may I dip it on the side. Go figure. I like honey mustard too.

  6. On the side. I guess it depends on whether you use a fork or your fingers to eat the fries. I use my fingers so I want to dip, that way I don't get ketchup all over me. I remember years ago my mother being absolutely horrified when my new SIL used her fingers to eat fries, she thought she had no manners at all!!lol

    1. That is too funny about her being horrified at using fingers. I use fingers most of the time too. Fries are a finger food, I firmly believe, ha.

  7. I like it on the side. That way I get ketchup on every fry or even every bite if I want. And I agree with Janice; I don't want to get the ketchup on my fingers and I think of French fries as finger food. Most fries are too long to be eaten in one bite. Do you cut them to size with your fork or knife?

    1. I've never had one that was too long, so I guess I've always used my fingers too and never think of using a knife to cut them. Maybe I need to keep testing various fries and various places, ha.

  8. Neither one for me. I don't have any ketchup at all! French fries are perfect, perfect as they are with the addition of only salt! IMHO.

    1. A vote for nothing but pure French fry love!

  9. I am with Nan. I really dislike ketchup (which we call tomato sauce) on chips. Or fries.

    1. I love how all the English-speaking countries use different words for things. Tomato sauce in the US is unseasoned and thin, comes in a can, and is used in recipes.

    2. That's interesting that it's called tomato sauce. Like Sadie J said, here tomato sauce is just that, a sauce, thin and plain, and used to add to things like pasta sauces, etc.

  10. If it is ketchup I am a dipper. If it is malt vinegar then I am a drizzler

    1. You know I've never had malt vinegar on fries. I might have to try that.

  11. Ketchup on the side, unless I'm at a fair and then it's malt vinegar!

    1. Another malt vinegar vote. Interesting, I'm going to have to get some for the next time we have fries. Thanks!

  12. Replies
    1. Well now there's an answer!!! The ketchup on the bottom!

  13. None of that tomato crap for me - lemon or lime juice all over or gravy to dip on the side. Malt vinegar if there's no lemon or gravy. I'm not a sauce person at all.

    1. Lemon or lime juice??? Going to have to try that sometime.

  14. Ketchup on the side. Gotta get just the right amount on each french fry.

    1. Well that does make sense. I do find when I drizzle I sometimes miss having the right amount on each one. Then I end up dipping, ha.

  15. No ketchup at all and onion rings rather then fries.

    1. Oh man, onion rings are THE BOMB. Love them. Of course I do like ketchup on onion rings too, ha.

  16. On the side. I want to get catsup on each bite, do not want it all over my fingers, and do not like soggy fries.

    1. I guess I eat them too fast for them to get soggy. I should probably slow down, LOL!

  17. I prefer my ketchup (sometimes mayo) on the side so the fries don't get soggy, but I'm not die-hard about. I just love fries!

    1. Fries are good aren't they? Just such a comforting thing to have.

  18. Totally agree with you about mayonnaise!
    I sometimes like to mix a bit of ketchup and horseradish to dip!

    1. Mayo! Mmm, ketchup and horseradish, that's an interesting combo.

  19. On the side either squirted on the plate or in a separate container.

  20. I am of an older age (72) and I eat them with a fork and on the side. But in Belgium les frites with mayonnaise, but their mayonnaise are a little spicier.

    1. I think there are times for a fork, but mostly we do fingers, ha. Spicier mayo would be interesting to try.

  21. Depends on what type of fries, and what I'm eating it with. If it's fish and chips, no ketsup but lots of malt vinegar. Steak fries, just salt. If smaller fries I like drizzled w/ vinegar or ketsup on the side.

    1. Well now there is a great description of various options. Love it! Steak fries are so good aren't they?

  22. "Hey, want fries with that?" Some folks douse with SO much ketchup (catsup?) that you can't see the fries, haha. I love mayo on the side for my fries, but that's not all: Tartare is great as well and so is vinegar, and so is Texas Pete, but once I'd had mayo, that was it, hands down. Darn it, now my mouth is watering. Look what you did ;-)

    1. LOL! I do not like a lot of ketchup. I know what you mean though I've seen people with so much ketchup you can't see the fries. Texas Pete? I'll have to look that up. Mayo is wonderful as well. I hope you get some fries this weekend.

    2. Oh, 1st Man, 1st Man and there you are in Texas, haha. Texas Pete is a hot sauce! The flavor of it is scrumptious...well, you have to like the heat, though; but of all the hot sauces (my pantry has dozens), Texas Pete and Chulula are my ALL time favorites. Shoot, mix them into the ketchup! Haha, you're really getting me going now :)

    3. We have Chulula but I have never tried Texas Pete. Will add that to the shopping list now!And you're right, we could mix some into ketchup to "ease into it", ha. Thanks!!

  23. I do it either way, but, if I am in a restaurant I definitely dip them in the ketchup. But, I have to have Ketchup on my french fries one way or the other. I love ketchup. My mom put ketchup on my eggs when I was a toddler, just so that I would eat them. My hubby likes plain french fries with no ketchup. :)

    1. Ketchup on eggs, I"ve done that too!!! And like you said, I will eat it however it is served, side, drizzled, whatever.

  24. SIDE everything with fries...ketchup, mayo, ranch dressing, and sometimes a bit of honey Dijon!!!

    1. French fries are great dipping in anything aren't they? I've learned some new ones with this post, going to try them all.

  25. On the side so the fries don't get soggy.

  26. 50 comments on this question! That's awesome! Sharing this on the weekend edit. xo laura Everyday Edits dot co (formerly not a trophy wife). laura

  27. Many years ago in French Canada we sprinkled vinegar and salt all over the fries (at French Fry Stands we would get them wrapped in newspaper so much better than the now required sanitized paper) In English Canada we would often have them smothered in Gravy when served with a regular dinner (with meat and vegetable). Now in the States I rarely use ketchup on the side … usually just with salt. Geo.

  28. Salt & pepper with or without minced garlic and maybe , maybe not some roasted garlic. No ketchup or any other gloppy (wet) condiment/s which RUINS the fries. Only dry condiments!

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