
Friday, June 14, 2019


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary know, like we had a few weeks back with the "dark meat/white meat" debate and last Friday the french fries and ketchup debate, ha.

This week, the burning question is:

How do you cut your sandwich
Yep, apparently there are three schools of thought on sandwiches (and people are adamant about this from what I see online).  They all involve the question of cutting your sandwich?

As for us here, I rarely cut my sandwiches.  2nd Man loves to to cut his and when he does, he's a diagonal cutter.  I will admit that if he asks me do I want him to cut my sandwich and I say yes, I do like the diagonal cut. It somehow makes the sandwich seem bigger.  Maybe it's that it's more visually appealing?

Do you just dive right in, whole, as is?

Do you make a nice cut down the middle to divide into two rectangles?

Do you cut on the diagonal to make two triangles?


  1. Actually I cut my sandwiches into quarters; 2 diagonal cuts.

  2. The middle sandwich is cut wrong,it should be across the centre not top to bottom! These things matter but thankfully they all still taste just as good. I am writing from the U.K. but we have exact same debate here.

  3. I love these types of questions...keep 'em coming. For me, diagonal left top to right bottom.

  4. Oh my gosh...I would feel the urge to grab your sandwich out of your hands (passive aggressively) and cut it in FOUR (DIAGONALLY) lol...Alex will eat the sandwich uncut, but he humours me and lets me cut it in four pieces and add some toothpicks with olives and pickles. I really think it tastes better that way!!! ;)

  5. All of the above,depends on what kind of day I'm having

  6. Down the middle because that makes both sides symmetrical.

  7. Like Jaz said, depends on the type of sandwich. PB&J I don't cut because then the jelly falls out. Tomato sandwiches get cut up and down the middle so the tomato doesn't slide around. Grilled cheese gets cut on the diagonal for dipping in tomato soup

  8. Middle or no cut at all. When I eat the sandwich, I eat the crusts first--another point to ponder.


  9. Open face sandwiches are cut in the middle and then sometimes into 4 squares. The others are diagonal cuts. Don't ask me why! It's just the way I do it.

  10. It depends on the type sandwich I am eating. BLT gets cut like the middle sandwich. That way, the bacon will be on each side of the cut. Peanut butter, Miracle Whip, and banana gets cut in for pieces so I can control the bananas falling out. Pimento and cheese get cut on diagonal so I can see the insides and how delicious it looks and is.

  11. I usually cut in the diagonal, it makes it easier for the children/grandchildren to eat from the smaller corners towards the middle. Rare that I cut in fourths, this is when I am hosting a luncheon and also the crust has to be removed. (save crust for stuffing). Enjoy!!

  12. PB&J no cuts. Meat sandwiches varies. Meat sandwiches with lettuce and tomato have a diagonal cut. Can't have too many rules in my world. :-) <3

  13. This is one of life's biggies! Myself - all three, depending on my mood!

  14. Across and/or diagonal depending on the shape of the bread.


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