
Friday, July 19, 2019


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!

This week, the burning question is:

Here is a VERY polarizing debate and once again a divided household here.  The only thing better than the aroma of brownies while they are baking is eating them when they come out still warm and moist.  You carefully slice them and then you are ready to dive in and enjoy.  Which piece do you grab?

The edge that has the blend of crunchy and moist?  Or the center piece where it's all moist and soft?  

I prefer the center.  2nd Man prefers the edge.  I guess in a two person household that works out best when he bakes a pan of brownies, ha.  But if you're at a party or a gathering and there is a big tray of brownies, you better grab the piece you like best before someone else does!

SO...which one do you prefer?
Edge or center?


  1. just like cake; I gotta have the center. I'm just not that fond of all the icing on cake; would rather have cake without the icing. Chocolate cake or brownie with scoop of vanilla ice cream and drizzled with homemade chocolate sauce, now that is my kind of dessert.

  2. EDGE for me! I love that little crunch you get when you bite in, then the the texture combination! Alex will eat anything so it's no issue for leftovers lol! :)

  3. Edge -- -- or center with a scoop of ice cream!

  4. The edge. I love that chewy crunch - mmm!

  5. Centre. But mind you I will eat either if someone else has cooked them!

  6. Yup, center here, too. Double frosting, too please.

  7. Easy! Whichever is the biggest.

  8. Center! Even better if it's taken out a few minutes early and it's REALLY moist in the center. But I like lots of baked goods slightly undercooked. mmmmm

    I'm the cook here, my hubby is the baker... when I nag him enough that he actually DOES bake. My very favorite is a brown sugar banana bread recipe we developed together, undercooked slightly.

    This is making me hungry!

  9. I like the corner, but I have never turned down any brownie!

  10. The edge is awesome but if it's all gone then the center will do nicely. The best brownies are baked by someone else 😁

  11. I’m not particular, I’ll eat either and or both! Yum!

  12. I hate to say it, but depends on my mood... sometimes the crunchy edge, sometimes the soft and gooey center... no frosting please... but a scoop of vanilla ice cream is good...


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