
Monday, July 8, 2019


Sorry for absence, I've been under the weather but feeling much better as this posts.  Neither of us has been sick in a couple of years.  Not sure if I had some sort of quick cold or what.  I can always tell when I'm getting sick because the roof of my mouth gets sore.  Then I get stuffy.  Then the sore throat, etc.  Well the instant I felt the roof of my mouth getting sore I started taking Vitamin C and Zinc.  Then I took a couple of aspirin at night and lots of rest.  It helped that we were off on the 4th and then on Friday I worked a half day and came home and slept.  I knocked it almost out.  I did get some daytime/nighttime medicine to help with symptoms but I only took them a couple of days.  

On Saturday I debated going to the farm or resting.  But suddenly our weather forecast shows a possible tropical storm (or even hurricane) in the Gulf of Mexico by the end of the week moving in this general direction.  I couldn't take a chance that I'd go another two or three weeks without mowing.  It's just too hard especially this HOT time of year.  So I went with the promise to 2nd Man I'd only mow and come right back.

Plus I figured the sweating would be good for me, ha.

I did take time to stop and smell look at the flowers. I LOVE when these appear every year about this time.  I call them our "Horton Hears a Who" flowers.  They are a weed of some sort but I can't help it, they make me smile and they pop up all over the trails that I mow around.

I also saw this tree/bush blooming with these white flowers.  Neither of us has ever seen it before.  Could be a seed dropped by a bird once upon a time and now it's growing up out of the brush.  They had a light scent, vaguely sweet.

Here is a closeup (as always, click any picture to enlarge).  Any ideas?

2nd Man made some wonderful homemade chicken flautas (also called rolled tacos or taquitos).  They are topped with guacamole, lettuce, shredded cheese, salsa and cotija cheese.  It's not chicken soup but it was good for my soul, ha. 

Hope you all had a good weekend, I promise to catch up on all your wonderful comments this week.  I feel I have neglected you all. 


  1. Your mystery shrub with the white (extremely fragrant) flowers looks like a common privet. Bees love 'em. Glad you're feeling better!

  2. Glad you are doing better! No idea about your plants though.

  3. Thinking it might be a Deutzia Plant

  4. glad you are feeling better.that food looks so good!i just saw a rose of sharon growing in my lower garden today. i never planted it so i guess the birds did.

  5. the white flowers remind me of a honey locust tree. and that meal looks dee-lish! get better soon!

  6. So glad that you’re feeling better. The supper 2nd Man made looks absolutely beautiful and delicious! Salsa always helps me with any congestion – so besides tasting wonderful, your supper was medicinal.

    I love those little purple flowers – we always called them powder puffs. Their scientific name is Mimosa strigillosa. Other nicknames: Sunshine Mimosa or Sensitive Plant.

    The white flowering shrub/tree may be Privet:

  7. If the white thing is a privet, most people are highly allergic. The purple does not looks like mimosa, but if it is, you will fight it forever. It is an invasive plant and soon takes over pushing everything out of the land. I hope people are wrong on both, but I would be removing them.

    Glad you are better. Allergies starting these illnesses?

  8. As a PSA, NyQuil will kill cats,so please don't let your guy so much as sniff the spoon

  9. Your white shrub possibly may be an Euonymus (Euonymus kiatschovicus) Can grow up to 8 ft. tall. The dark green leaves are often tinged with red in the winter.
    Has vinegary fragrant flowers and attracts flies and bees.
    Ends up getting pink fruit which split open to reveal an orange-red seed.

    I'm curious to see what it will look like in the Fall & winter months.


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