
Monday, August 19, 2019


Just kind of an update post today.  Had a great weekend.  We ran errands, did some window shopping, had some great food and just relaxed.  Knowing that we were going to do this, I took Friday off and went to the farm.  I figured without rain there wouldn't be much mowing.  If you saw the update yesterday, you can see a picture of the yard and there was no mowing.  We're now over three weeks (four this coming weekend) since the last time.  

While I miss my time on the Zen Machine, it was a "feels like" temperature of 108 yesterday.  I'm good staying inside where it's cool, ha.

The bumblebees were out in force.  I love watching them.  So big and slow moving,  Plus the buzzing sound of so many is actually kind of peaceful.

Did you know that August 17th is (was) National Black Cat Appreciation Day?  Now this is not to be confused with National Black Cat Day which is later in the year, ha.  This day is a day to celebrate the black cat and dispel the myths around them.  I didn't know that black cats (and dogs) are less likely to be adopted.  Poor babies.  Black cats are just like any other cat, they are wonderful!

Hobart however was not impressed.  He was laying in this patch of sun and we told him we appreciated him...he could barely be moved to open his eyes, ha.

From our anniversary post I mentioned that we had a tradition.  On our fourth anniversary, the place we had been going every year was gone.  So on a whim we went to a place 2nd Man remembered from his childhood.  Also, it is a Houston institution.  It's called Barbecue Inn.  Sure they have BBQ but they are known for their fried chicken.  See this screen grab above.  They are consistently in top lists around the country.  Best fried chicken we've ever had.

I had the dark meat plate with french fries, two thighs and a leg...

2nd Man had the white meat plate with baked potato, two breasts and a wing...

They also come with salads.  It's such a good comfort food dinner.  We go twice a year.  Once on our anniversary and around Valentines Day.

They've been around for over 70 years and the place is PACKED all the time.  We're pretty sure we're good for a while, ha.  Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. The chicken looks mouth watery delicious
    Hobart sure does look comfy laying there and doesn't want to be bothered seems like.
    Enjoy your day. 'Today is a Good Day to have a Good Day.'

    1. Oh it was so good. And yep, Hobart was comfy in the sunshine (recharging his batteries? Ha). Thanks!!

  2. That fried chicken looks so good. My husband and I just sit around on the weekends now and veg out. Everything is done on the weekdays and there is nothing left to do. Good times.

    1. We tend to do that, as much as we can, running errands and trying to do as much during the week and then relax on the weekends. Doesn't always work but we try, ha.

  3. What? Sorry, I completely forgot what you were blogging about after you said "fried chicken".
    Yes I knew that about black cats and dogs being harder to adopt. I used to raise house rabbits for pets and I was always careful not to breed black rabbits. Nobody wanted them, silly superstitions I assume because black animals are gorgeous.

    1. We had you at "fried chicken"? LOL! I had heard that they stop adopting them before Halloween for obvious reasons but I didn't know people were scared of them or superstitious about them. We love our not so little black fluff ball....They are beautiful for sure! And I LOVE rabbits, never had one but always wanted one.

  4. so that's why the neighbor's semi-feral black cat was so vocal and needy on Saturday. we were not showing him his due appreciation!

    1. They know! Of course they should be admired and appreciated and worshipped, ha.

  5. I'm crying with longing at that chicken

    1. Oh John it was so good. The place is like it is stuck in time, the waitresses, some have been there 20 years or more. They call you baby, honey, sweetie, ha.

  6. - those chicken pix remind me of our local chicken place. the platters look just like that!

    BLACK CATS ARE GREAT! my avatar (miss oreo) says so.

    1. OOH that looks yummy (I visited the website). Yep, old school been the same for decades I suppose. Tell Miss Oreo we appreciate her! ;-)

  7. That chicken is beyond delicious looking!

  8. I love bumblebees - great picture!
    Hobart – what a sweet cutie pie! How could anyone ever think less of them because of their color?!
    That fried chicken – my mouth is watering just looking at that deliciousness!

    1. Thanks, they are fun insects for sure. So deliberate in their movements. And never seem to be in a hurry, ha. Hobart says "thank you". Oh and this chicken is so good.

  9. That bee looks HUGE!!!!
    Glad you're staying cool as you can, this weather finally got to me on Saturday...walked out after a mid-afternoon rainstorm and felt like I was swimming in a hot tub! Oy!

    1. Bumblebees are pretty good size, that's why their buzz is so loud. Fortunately, the don't have stingers, so they are 100% harmless. That's why they are fun to watch up close, ha.

      It IS so miserably humid hot. Ugh. Stay cool and safe!


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