
Thursday, October 10, 2019


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Not sure why we like this.  It's just kind of fun?  I guess yard art and/or decoration can be "fun" right?    These vintage unused windows were hung to create a sort of "wall" so to speak that divides up an outdoor space. Sure I guess wind is a factor I'm not sure how they fixed that issue, but we still like it.  

We actually have three old windows in storage, need to figure out a way to use them someday.  This might be an option (with a few more, ha).

Be inspired!

Don't forget to enter giveaway, click on sidebar "giveaway" image to go directly to page or scroll down a bit to a couple days ago. 


  1. I do like this idea but here I would be worried of a large hail storm going through.
    Now remove the glass and make some wooden planter boxes to secure to the window frame and then secure to your shed or front porch, then no worries of any glass breaking or falling out and yet you have a very nice planter box window plus don't have to worry about the birds flying into the glass.
    The planter boxes then can be decorated for ay holiday during the year or any season. If you use artificial flowers then you can inside as well as being hung up outside.
    If you hang inside, can replace the glass with mirror tiles add a few hooks for hanging caps on, light jacket or in bathroom to hang towels on, etc. etc., etc. Many options for using old window frames. For hanging inside; leave the glass in and mount favorite, matted photos on the back side of the window glass.
    Thing to do is just have fun with your projects.

  2. This is very pretty but, like Colleen, I’d be afraid of wind and/or hail damage. But if you could find a protected area for them and secure the bottoms so they wouldn’t swing in the wind, it would be beautiful.

  3. I have an attic FULL of old windows.... One day I will convince the Mister to frame them into a spectacular small-scale greenhouse. In your climate, fresh veg could be grown year round in a greenhouse, I would imagine?

  4. I love this! I'd think seriously about getting some glass/window dye to add some color.

    I too have been collecting windows for a few years for a greenhouse. Many of those are patio doors, but I do have a lot of older ones as well. I also got an entire houseful (13 large double hung vinyl) which I got for $100 to use in an addition we have planned for our barn.

    I also have 4 massive 8ft x 4 ft each stained glass church windows I am thinking about here to use. They are simple squares and rectangles, quite craftsman house looking.

  5. I have thought about this in my garden. I am artist an I want my garden to be mixed with art. Love love must borrow. Haha you inspired me


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