
Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Was in the store at lunch the other day and saw these...

Ball Jars brand has a new color.  It's called Collector's Edition and is Aqua Blue.  At first I thought "what's the difference with this vs the blue they came out with a few years ago?" 

 Then I went back and looked at the blue from then and compared it to this aqua.  

Definitely a difference.  I think when they are all in the box they seem bluer but these are definitely an aqua green just like old school originals from about 100 years ago.  Another difference, these have a galvanized style finish lid and seal like the originals and most differently, they have the original flat bottom style like the old jars.

Hmm...since we have sets of the previous colors, purple, blue, green, etc, well I guess I'm just going to have to get a set or two of these to add to the collection for future use.


  1. Always an excuse for shopping. But it's a good excuse.
    I bought a set of 20 of the Collector's Edition bottles. My excuse was I ran out of canning bottles and these were the only ones available. My husband didn't argue.

  2. Thanks for that note. I would have assumed the were the blue out now.

  3. blue balls...bwhahahahahahahaha! sorry, could not resist!

  4. I love these different collector colors. It makes everything in them look like a jewel collection.

  5. I love the colored canning jars. I only wish I could find the ruby red ones somewhere, sometime.
    The rate that you're going, you will need a separate room just for your jar collection. :)

  6. Just a historical note about the original aqua jars--they were made from one particular sand dune on the coast of Lake Michigan in Michigan City, Indiana. That was an enormous 200' tall sand dune just around the edge of the lake from Chicago. It was called Hoosier Slide, and was such an attraction that ferry boats dropped passengers there on the way around the lake to hike up for a picnic at the top. “Once Indiana's most famous landmark, Hoosier Slide was a huge sand dune bordering the west side of Trail Creek where it entered Lake Michigan. ... “Over a period of 30 years, from about 1890 to 1920, 13 1/2 million tons of sand were shipped from Hoosier Slide until the great dune was leveled. Most of that sand was made into canning jars that are still in use today. Amazingly, the sand was loaded onto rail cars, by hand, a wheelbarrow full at a time.

    1. Wow! I never knew that! I've lived in Michigan all my life (just turned 60 in Oct), but had never been to Michigan City until this May when we adopted our most recent rescue dog.

      Our family never visited Lake Michigan that far south, but we did visit the Sleeping Bear sand dunes every few years. I wonder if the sand itself contributed to the color - maybe high copper content? or if the color was added?

      Giants Dance Farm

  7. Those are beautiful! I love that blue - shop away - they have a purpose so you are free to purchase in my world!

  8. Oh my goodness, the "new" blue looks just like the old antique Ball jars I have. You definitely need some!


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