
Sunday, November 10, 2019


Hope you are having a good weekend.  It's been a cold one here but clear and beautiful.

Platinum sourdough instant yeast
A week or so ago I bought a new (new to us anyway) product for 2nd Man.  It's a package of instant sourdough yeast.  I found it at HEB but you can buy it on Amazon here: Platinum Instant Sourdough Yeast

So he decided to make bread on this cold weekend.

Homemade sourdough
He made two loaves and they came out very nicely.  Crispy crust...

Sourdough bread and butter
...and had a great crumb inside with nice holes from the bubbles.  The sourdough flavor was good (though subtle) and we have been eating on it all weekend with butter.  It's very good.

Sleeping kitty
And what else to do on a cold day?  Sleep we have slept and of course that's what Hobart is currently doing.  Sleeping on his afghan (yes, this thrift store find has become HIS preferred sleeping blanket).  Of course it was placed in the sunshine coming through the windows.

Life is good.

Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. I always love seeing the handsome hobart! and that bread looks dee-lish; I will check out that product!

  2. That bread looks Won-der-ful.
    Was a beautiful day today; Monday during the day; in the mid 60's and then the bottom drops down to 25 deg. with chance of rain. It's been just like a roller coaster; wearing shorts one day and bundling up the next.,TX,United-States/we-city?iso=US&el=NtZCRlZCgIA7VvmilZA8MA%3D%3D&ocid=spartanntp

    Hobart sure does have the right idea. Me, I spent my nice warm day in my 'she' shed painting a full size bed frame that will be given away to a person who is need of a bed.
    Y'all stay warm and enjoy your day & have a wonderful evening.

  3. Hobart knows how to spend his days. I want to come back as a pampered cat. I'm glad you found this and let us know about it. David throws out my sourdough mix all the time. He thinks he's doing me a favor. It takes roughly two weeks to get a really good sourdough mix set up. So now I know where to get it, HEB. Thanks

  4. That sourdough bread looks sooo delicious! I'll look for that yeast the next time I go to HEB. I know your house smelled wonderful. I made some muffins this morning to warm up the house.
    Hobart sure knows how to relax. He looks so cozy on his blankie in the sunshine.


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