
Thursday, November 21, 2019


Every Thursday we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Saw this while doing a flowerbed search.  Those who have followed the blog for a while know that we had a bunch of large rocks at the house that we moved to the farm before we sold the house (in town).

They are more on less scattered around the property in a few piles. Side note, I need to find a new place for them all in one spot sometime before it gets hot again. Anyway, this is kind of a neat idea for a focal point somewhere in the landscaping when we get new beds around the house (whatever form that takes). We like the flowers growing in between, kind of looks low maintenance but looks can be deceiving.  

Be inspired!


  1. We made a rock garden after seeing one in Iceland. We had plenty of rocks but not much soil so we had to use a lot of potting soil and garden soil. Real good dirt is scarce on our property. It is all rocks or clay, we have to make our own soil for any projects. We have some before and after pictures that we could email you if you would like (for more inspiration!!). We just scattered a bunch of wildflower seeds and it ended up far exceeding our expectations. You can hardly see the rocks any more, and it turned a barren landscape in that part of the yard into something that we really enjoy.

    1. Oh we would LOVE to see that!! The email address is over on the side bar, just click on the "email me" box. That sounds so pretty. Our yard has a lot of clay as well. Stuff will grow it just takes longer.

  2. With that white fence behind really makes the purple POP.
    KCD; maybe you & 1st man can make arrangements for him to show pictures of your wild flower rock garden. I would love to see it as well. I bet it's beautiful and the butterflies & bees love it as well.

    1. Yes, if KCD would allow it, I can post them as inspiration (anonymously of course). I like the idea of wildflowers.

  3. First man...don't forget to save some stuffing for crispy waffles!

    1. Crispy waffles made from stuffing? Whaaaaat? That sounds intriguing!!!

  4. This would be a great way to use your rocks!

  5. Now, I have a bunch of rocks far away. I could have done this! It is beautiful.

    1. Isn't it pretty? We love the simplicity and the look. We scattered rocks in different piles and now they are just there with grass growing up. I need to move them all to one spot at least for now, ha.


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