
Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Short post today.  For millions of people it's either prepping food or last minute shopping or traveling out of town.  

The last few days I've posted some yucky food ideas and so here another.  Anyone want a Spam bake on a cold Winter's day?
No you say?

(click to enlarge)

Now in the interest of full disclosure, I LIKE Spam.  Grew up eating it fried on occasion and it was good.  This however, not too sure about.  You take a loaf of Spam, slice into it, shove peach slices in between drizzle with peach syrup and brown sugar and bake.  

Yum?  Or no?


  1. Now I do like Spam.....plain with fried eggs, made into a sandwich, diced up and put in a salad but topped with peaches...………...No Thank You

  2. I confess - I love Spam - I love it with eggs or on a sandwich with yellow mustard - my Hubbs won't touch it - But I had it went I was a kid and he didn't and I think that makes the difference - now I am hungry and think I'll go fry up a few pieces with some eggs - Have a great Thanksgiving - read your blog everyday - you're great...

  3. Spam is good when fried for a sandwich or with eggs for breakfast. I grew up too having spam when times got tough. It is great when cut into small cubes and fried with potatoes, onions, bell peppers, and jalapenos but that that peach hot mess is just N.O. NO!!

  4. My husband grew up with Spam as a home made pizza burger toping. Homemade as in leftover red sauce on leftover buns topped with cheese and spam and baked.

  5. Even though I ate it as a kid, I wouldn't touch it now!

  6. No thanks to Spam! I had to eat it sometimes when I was kid, but never developed a taste for it.

  7. NO! Had it in UK after the war......but not with peaches !

  8. We never ate Spam. I know my parents preferred Treet, like Spam. About every five years I fry it up crispy. I tried Spam once and it was not good as Treet. Have you ever eaten Treet?

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to one and All

  10. I grew up with spam, sliced thin and fried crispy like bacon. I always keep a can or two in the back of the pantry for emergency dinners. Spam and peach 'ham' bake? No thank you

  11. Yes, sliced thin and fried crispy, with eggs and buttered toast. Baked with peaches? I am positively clutching my (fake plastic) pearls in horror at the very thought...


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