
Tuesday, December 24, 2019


It's Christmas Eve, time to get started on your Hostess Meat Tree!

LOL, we love these old ads for food that we guess, at the time, was just what everyone (apparently?) wanted.  Interesting indeed.

Anyone up for a meat tree like this?

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve and of course Christmas Day tomorrow.  


  1. that's not MY idea of a "meat tree". season's greetings!

  2. No Thank You on the meat tree. Will pass on this one.
    Have Yourself a Very Merry Christmas

  3. Merry Christmas from S. Colorado ... made a couple sausage, spinach, mushroom and Swiss cheese quiches today ... shared one with my neighbors!
    That's what's for my Christmas meal tomorrow!

  4. That meat tree is just what I need. NOT! Merry Christmas!

  5. The meat tree is just plain weird!
    I love "The Night Before Christmas" book! I loved it as a kid and as an adult reading it to my kindergarten classes. It's so lyrical and magical.

  6. Huckleberry leaves stapled to a styrofoam cone? Good Lord. Where exactly was one supposed to get fresh huckleberry leaves in late December?


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