
Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Here we are, the evening before a new year.  A new decade.  Amazing to think that 20 years ago we were all wondering if the year 2000 would bring about the end of the world via the Y2K glitch.  Yet here we are!

2nd Man and I gave up on going out to celebrate years ago.  We just don't enjoy the crowds in our older age and of course nothing good ever happens on the roads after midnight.  

We'll stay up until midnight and toast in the New Year with a little bubbly we have put aside.

Hope you have a SAFE New Year's Eve, whatever you do tonight!  Happy 2020! 


  1. we are staying inside too; we have wine. HNY 2020!

  2. Smart idea to celebrate at home. I do that too. I have a bit of special wine left to toast in the New Year. Happy New Year!

  3. am spending the evening sneezing, it appears! I will see the New Year in if it kills me. But, no drinking here. Happy New Year!

  4. Spent a nice quiet evening at home with q meat & cheese tray along with a nice bottle of wine and listening to the neighbors fireworks going off.

    Happy New Year!
    May your troubles be less,
    and your blessings be more,
    and nothing but happiness come through your door.

    Wishing everyone a Happy, Blessed and Healthy New Year.

  5. Happy New Year! Blessings to you and 2nd man. May this new year and decade be better.

  6. Happy New Year to you both! Alex and I stayed in too, we barely made it to midnight lol, but we did welcome the new decade with some cocktails and trifles! :)


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