
Wednesday, December 4, 2019


In preparation for the recent freeze we went ahead and pulled some of the citrus that was on the the trees.  It wasn't all quite ripe but was close enough.

Here is a Meyer lemon on the tree.  It looks nice and yellow but that's on one side.  The other side was a bit green so we left it in the window to get fully yellow.  The other one was the same.  But we have to admit, this is a pretty good looking lemon!

Here are the lemons after we cut them open.  Tart but slightly sweet.  They were small but considering the tree is only about 4 feet tall, they will get bigger as the tree gets bigger. 

Of course, short of a whole batch of lemons for something bigger, we opted for a big glass of iced tea with lemon.  It was so good.  We assume just like garden veggies, home grown fruit is always best. 

Amazing to think that we will (fingers crossed they make it through the Winters) have fresh citrus every year.  Hopefully as all the trees get bigger, our harvest gets exponentially larger as well.


  1. That's pretty cool.
    The guy that came and planted our trees, he mentioned to use root stimulator mixed with 1 gal. of water each month ( use only once a month and no more than that)and that will help the root system. The stimulator is good for anything you plant in the ground or in containers. Just follow the directions on the container.

  2. You can use the zest for recipes. And, use the rind without the inner white part. Is it in the ground or in a pot where you can bring it indoors?

  3. I'm so glad your trees are doing well. Your Meyer lemons are beauties.
    I just ate my first grapefruit from this year's crop - delicious! My kumquats are starting to get ripe - can't wait!

  4. Nice looking lemons. I also have a Meyer lemon tree. This is my 3rd year since receiving it as a Christmas gift from my husband. I had 11 lemons on it this year. I have to keep mine in a pot as I live on the east coast. It is already blooming again for next years crop!


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