
Wednesday, January 15, 2020


We get nothing for this post (though if NestFresh is reading this, email us, LOL) but wanted too share this great brand of eggs that we found. We love it when we can get farm fresh eggs from either 2nd Family or the local farmers market, those are about as fresh as you can get.

When we can't though, we found these.
NestFresh heirloom eggs
It's hard to find fresh eggs at the grocery store that are just as good as farm fresh but these are pretty darn close.  Nest Fresh heirloom eggs.

Nest Fresh eggs in Temptations egg carrier
They are sourced from family farms that raised their hens humanely, sustainably and without all the nasty stuff.  As you can see above, the eggs are also from various breeds of hens.  You can get brown, blue, speckled, olive green,'s a regular Easter basket, ha. 

We love them for their rich yellow/orange yolks.  They are more expensive than mass produced brans of course but we definitely think they are worth it.

Anyone know of any other great brands we should seek out and look for when we can't get them fresh from 2nd Family?


  1. A friend in Iowa raises chickens who lays the variety of colored eggs.
    Nothing better than farm fresh eggs.
    1st Man, like your cute egg container there. Pretty nifty.( I know, you must had gotten it at H E B)

  2. I miss the fresh eggs now that I don't have chickens. I try to buy local but a discount store sells such large volumes of eggs that they are constantly receiving new shipments and the eggs are pretty good.

  3. I miss fresh eggs! My parents neighbor has hens and i buy eggs from them all the time in the summer. Nothing compares in my opinion!

  4. Too bad about the plastic packaging though.

  5. I don't have a place to buy fresh eggs. I do buy eggs that are seriously expensive at Publix.

  6. My daughter has hens that lay these kinds of eggs.
    I'm bothered by the plastic packaging. Why not recyclable paper cartons?

  7. Until recently, I bought my eggs from a friend who lives on a farm. But predators have reduced her flock, so I now need to buy eggs from a store. My HEB does not carry the brand you have but I found one that seems good from Walmart. It’s Vital Farms - “pasture-raised, on green grass, under open skies.” It’s certified humane raised and handled. They have the dark yolks like my friend’s eggs and taste good also.


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