
Saturday, February 8, 2020


Many weekends lately, especially in the Winter months are lazy and we get a break.  This weekend though will be busy, for a change.


First up is the season opener of our city's rugby team, the Houston Sabercats.  We have season tickets and this will be the first season with all games at the new stadium.  We are looking forward to it.  The stadium is really nice and our section will have in-seat food and drink.  We downloaded an app, loaded the payment info and then we can just tap what we want and they bring it to us with no standing in lines.  We LIKE that idea, though it might be easy to overdo, moderation!

For those who are curious about rugby and/or want to see our team and new stadium, for the first time ever, the game will be aired live on ESPN! 11am CST.  Our seats are center field section just a couple rows back.  Look for us, LOL!

Saturday afternoon is errand running including hitting up a new grocery store that opened nearby.

Saturday night will be a fabulous dinner of some sort.

Sunday it's off to the farm where I will of course water what needs to be watered.  One project will be to edge around the fruit tree beds and then... will be time for some Zen Machine fun.  I mentioned in a post earlier in the week that the plan is to clear some new areas, widen some trails, mow under some trees, etc.  It will probably dull the blades but the reason I am doing it Sunday is because we scheduled the John Deere dealer to come pick it up on Monday morning for its annual maintenance.  They do a lot including changing the oil, filters, tightening belts etc and most importantly they sharpen the blades.  

More updates with pictures coming Monday.

Have a great weekend!


  1. i love rigby! sound like a great weekend. have fun!!!

  2. is the new grocery an aldi by some chance? or a lidl?

  3. A full weekend! Have fun at the game and exploring the new grocery store! Hoping the forecasted rain holds off until you get your Farm work done.

  4. Have no cable so no ESPN :{ We miss many of the Nascar races cause many are shown on cable channels; like today when they will be racing at Daytona International Speedway. Daytona; the best of them all.
    Think hubby will be mowing our yard also; before the rain moves in. Our newly planted trees are starting to bud & leaf out which is always a good sign.

    Enjoy your day & have a Great evening.

  5. I hope your weekend goes well, have fun on the Zen machine today. 💖

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