
Friday, February 21, 2020


It's time for the "Friday Food Debate" where we tackle some of the burning questions of the culinary world...LOL!

This week, the burning question is:

We haven't done one of these in a few weeks and thought it was time again.  We saw this online and immediately thought "this is a great question!"

Pancakes and waffles...two similar main dish breakfast items.  After they are cooked, on the plate, they both are covered in butter, syrup and/or other things like fresh fruit or whipped cream and served with perhaps sausage or bacon.  Still, in the end it comes down to a choice.  Would you rather have someone give you a breakfast plate with some waffles or a stack of pancakes? 

Around here, we are split but it's still close.  2nd Man makes an awesome pancake batter.  He also makes a great waffle batter.  We enjoy them both, but if you MADE me choose, I'd choose waffles.  I like the crispy exterior and fluffy interior and I love the little squares that I can fill with syrup, ha!  2nd Man loves a big stack of pancakes.

So...which camp are you in, team pancake or team waffle?


  1. Oh, bring on the homemade strawberry syrup / sauce along with the homemade whipped cream please!
    I enjoy both but I have to admit, I do like the Big Texas shaped waffles topped with strawberry sauce.
    ' A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.' :-}
    'Whoever eats a pancake never counts the holes in it.'
    Enjoy your day and have a great weekend.

  2. If given the choice, I'd go waffles every time. Crispy and, yes, I like that the butter and syrup don't slide away. But, when it comes to doing the cooking, pancakes are easier because I have a big grill and can do them all at once, but waffles are one at a time. So I rarely fix them. :(

  3. Waffles! Lovely crispy waffles! At least until they've soaked up the real butter and real maple syrup. I'll eat a waffle plain, no way I'd eat a plain pancake.

  4. I should clarify - the waffles are crispy until they've soaked up the butter and syrup, NOT that I will not eat them after the soaking...

  5. I like both, but prefer waffles over pancakes. pour real maple syrup over the waffles, no butter, and YUM!

  6. I love both. But, if I am making them, I will go with pancakes. I hate to stand and make one pancake. And, they get cold fast if you have to wait for another. However with butter and real maple syrup, neither can be beat.

  7. I wouldn’t turn down either one but if I had to choose, it would be waffles. I love the same things you do about them - they have the bit of crunchiness at the edge and those nice little pockets for the goodies of butter, syrup, honey, etc.
    I love what Colleen said: “A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap” – perfect description!

  8. I love waffles with butter and strawberry jam. Oh, my. The crunchiness of a waffle. Oh, and you can carry it around with you as you go about your day. You can't do that with floppy soggy pancakes. No matter how much syrup you pour on pancakes they still taste like cooked flour. You just can't hide that flavor. Waffles are the bomb.

  9. Waffles are just pancakes with a non-skid tread!

  10. waffles because they're easier to make for lots of company.

  11. Waffles, because leftovers can be toasted and eaten out of hand the next day. OK, so usually there are none left; but if there were...

  12. As much as I love 2nd Man I have to jump on 1st Man's Waffle eating team. The question that must be answered is how much butter can you put on it and a waffle holds so much more if you fill all the little holes up. And then syrup. And crispy edges! MMMMM!

  13. I'll take pancakes, please, as long as they aren't overcooked. I make beautiful, golden pancakes.


  14. Waffles but there are occasional days when pancakes win ... who knows why!!!

  15. Waffles, as they have a cripy surface with pockets that hold the butter and syrup much better.


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