
Friday, February 14, 2020


Well here it is, the holiday that people either love to love or love to hate. 

If you're single, maybe you hate it.

If you're dating or married, maybe you love it.
(of course maybe you hate it then too).

Around here, sometimes we do cards, sometimes we do candy, but we always try to have a nice dinner.  Usually in, sometimes out.  If we do dine out, we always do it on another night out around the holiday so we don't have to fight the crowds.

So what about the day?  How do you feel about the holiday?  Is it too commercial now?  Do you quietly celebrate in your own way?  We always say how much we love each other regardless of the day.  But hey, just like most any of the other holidays that you could argue are too commercialized, they are still fun to celebrate in some small way.


  1. we buy each other 1 modest gift; we go out to eat AFTER the holiday is over. it's a quiet thing.

  2. After being married as long as we have; it's just like any other day. I'm not much of a cut flower person, unless they are my own and really don't need chocolates. Like I mentioned to him, buying cut flowers is a waste of money cause they just don't last very long. Would much prefer a rose bush or a climbing rose bush to where it would last much longer than cut flowers from a florists.

    Now, a few years ago he did hire a quartet to come out and they sang a couple of songs which was really nice and was very special and was given a single red rose in a milk glass vase.

    I much prefer something that I need or could use so yesterday hubby bought me something that I have been wanting for a few years so he bought me an Immersion Hand Blender. Today he took me out to lunch so I wouldn't have to cook. All and all I feel truly blessed but then I feel blessed each day when I wake.

    Been wanting to redo the guest bathroom so went and picked out new flooring for it so we will be laying it down next week. It's a small bath so it won't take long to lay the flooring.

    Wishing everyone a Very Happy Valentine's Day

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!

  4. We ate out, but it was an accident. We had hot dog at drink at Sam's I got nothing and gave nothing. We are just friends. I do give things to friends, but he would think it was a message. So, nothing. We were going to get a cookie at Cookie Fix, but we will do that next week when they are not so busy.

  5. We have eaten out some holidays but most often eat in. I get a bouquet of flowers every year ( Publix has a great selection) and I get TheHub a box of Turtles (his favorite)


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