
Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Well, the inevitable happened.  We were put on a 'shelter in place'.  In our part of the state, they normally use that phrase for hurricanes, plant explosions, floods, etc. so they they came up with the phrase "Stay Home, Work Safe".

For those in other parts of the world that are curious, here is what the declaration looks like:

"Stay Home, Work Safe" Order Issued for Harris County

Mayor Sylvester Turner joined Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and local health officials Tuesday to announce details of a "Stay Home, Work Safe" Order issued by Harris County that requires individuals to remain at home or a place of residence, with exceptions for essential work and activities. View the complete City of Houston Order HERE.
The Order goes into effect at 11:59 p.m., Tuesday, March 24 and will last until April 3 unless modified, to further contain the spread of COVID-19 in Houston and Harris County.   
  • Essential businesses can remain open. The Stay Home, Work Safe Order exempts essential workers covered in 16 CISA categories. The list of critical business can be found here.
  • Individuals may leave their residence only to perform “Essential Activities”
  • People working from home do not have to shelter in place or lock down. Groceries stores, pharmacies, gas stations, parks and other areas will remain open. 
  • Bars and nightclubs will remain closed; restaurants will offer only food takeout and delivery
  • People should practice social distancing 
Social distancing guidance for all Houstonians:  
  • Avoid gatherings of 10 or more people.
  • Maintain at least 6 feet of separation from other people.
  • Avoid eating or drinking in bars, restaurants, and food courts – use drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options.
  • Avoid discretionary travel, shopping trips, and social visits.
  • Do not visit nursing homes or retirement or long-term care facilities unless to provide critical care situations.
  • Practice healthy hygiene habits:
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use hand sanitizer when you can't wash your hands.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw the tissue away. If you don’t have a tissue, use the elbow of your sleeve.
  • Don’t use your hands to cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, especially if you are at higher risk for coronavirus.
  • Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, eat healthy foods, and manage your stress to keep your immunity strong.
  • Work or engage in schooling from home whenever possible.
Human coronaviruses most commonly spread from an infected person to others through:
  • Respiratory droplets released into the air by coughing and sneezing.
  • Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands.
  • Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands.
  • Privacy protection laws only permit the release of limited patient information. The health department is unable to release any additional patient information.
Stay Informed
Houstonians may visit for updated information about local risk, routine protective actions, frequently asked questions, communication resources, rumor control, and emergency preparedness tips.

We are adjusting to a new normal.  Some of you asked if it meant we couldn't leave the house etc.  They do not want people leaving their homes except for food, medical, gas, or traveling to an essential job.  They say they will have police patrolling and there could be fines or jail time.  Honestly, I'm not sure how they can really enforce that but we'll start hearing stories over the next few days.

Fortunately, the city is a ghost town.  The freeways are empty, there are no cars in downtown, no people filling the sidewalks.  Restaurants are closed except for the ones that offer carryout and most retail is closed as well.

Will be working from home.  2nd Man had usually worked from home on a regular basis at his last job but I never have.  As this posts today, I will be here at home with my work laptop, headset, and all my office supplies.  I'm ready!

This will be our new normal for a while as we do our part to #FlattenTheCurve

Stay safe everyone!


  1. Apart from the usual idiots here ignoring the rules, most of the UK is obeying thank goodness. It feels like a perpetual Sunday every day, really weird.

  2. spouse is working from home, I cannot. BUT my employer has the 6 of us each taking 1 day/week in the office; my day is thursday. that way work is being done, but there is only 1 person in the office.

  3. Stay as safe and as healthy as you can. We are all in this together.

  4. Hang in their you two!!!! Much the same here. I have just found out today, that my return to work has been pushed back two more weeks, so were still closed.

    And you have my condolences with the Lt Governor you have. He's sounds like a quacko.

  5. They did the same here in Illinois last weekend. It's amazing, though, how many businesses have come up with stupid reasons to be considered "essential".

  6. There are some people that just don't listen when they tell you to stay home if there is no need in getting out.

    Husband was talking to a couple last night at his work place and they told him, "we came out cause we where bored at home so thought we would come out to Home Depot."
    They didn't need anything; They got out just because they where bored.

    Home Depot is only letting in so many customers at one time to begin with and then you have those that come out from their homes just for the heck of it.

    I took it upon myself to not going out and if I need anything at all, hubby picks it up for me on his way home.

    Everyone stay safe & healthy.
    We will all get through this with patience, prayer & faith.

  7. I love reading your blog! I am a senior widow, living alone, in central Illinois.our small rural town (7000 pop.) has been "sheltering in place" for almost 2 weeks now and our small businesses have stepped up and are continuing to feed us thru drive up windows and far, our Macoupin County has no reported cases of I said, we basically shut everything down 2 weeks ago...I find it amazing that just now a city the size of Houston is finally acting.Take care, stay home exc. for essential needs....I have prepped a great deal since I found about 5 yrs. ago and "wow"..she really helped me awaken....

  8. Colorado is shut down starting tomorrow (Thursday), by order of Governor Polis.
    We have far too many idiots refusing to shelter in place ... no regard for their own safety nor the folks around them! Selfish morons!

  9. Both daughters and sons in law have been doing this now for almost two weeks. It takes getting used to as they juggle child care duties. We are safe here at our retirement community with one meal delivered each day. We can go out for groceries though many residents are doing online orders from local stores. The new normal is tough to get my head around.

  10. I've been at home since the first of the month except for a few forays out to the grocery store, planned for times when there were less people. I'm happy that I have my yard and garden for fresh air and sunshine. It's the new normal and how I am helping to Flatten the Curve.
    I am so very grateful for our healthcare personnel. They are working on the front lines of this pandemic - many, sadly, without adequate PPE, - and they are all heroes!

  11. H E L P !
    I Need A hair cut...……………….big time. Salon has been closed for the time being.
    I keep my hair short and so used to getting it cut every month, but now it's getting longer than what I like.
    'Everything Feels Better After A Haircut.'


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