
Wednesday, April 29, 2020


When I was at the farm the other day, there was a storm that moved through.  Some very interesting clouds including some being "newly classified".  More on those in another post.

But this photo excited me.

I was taking photos of the clouds and had the shutter setting on sport mode.  It lets you take a rapid series of pictures, useful during the rugby games or someone running, etc.  I thought if the clouds were moving fast I could get some in a series.  Little did I know I'd catch a lightning bolt.

I took about 10 photos in rapid succession and three of them had the lightning.  

Here is a zoomed in image.  This is the first time I've captured lightning with a digital camera.  YEARS ago when I was younger I got one with an old school camera and film (remember those, ha!).  Alas, it was a blur when I had the film developed. 

For those wondering, yes I was on the porch while taking these.  I heard thunder and went inside immediately.  Sat on the rocker on the porch and that's when I saw the clouds and started taking some pictures.  Being a weather buff from way back, I can't wait to try next time.  Now I will know to use that shutter setting to capture some more images.

Speaking of weather, wow we had some major storms blow through this morning.  You can see the time stamp on this radar image was from 4:43am.  I was awakened by all sorts of alerts and warnings about an approaching storm and so I checked and yep this is what it looked like, a straight line of heavy storms just moving toward the area.  

That all came through with lightning and hail and heavy rain and wind.  I texted 2nd Family at the farm a little bit ago and they said it was pretty scary looking but the worst just skipped by.

Stay safe!


  1. Great shots of the lightening strikes. Need to send them to your local news channel.
    I figured according to our radar here that the storms that we where having was moving down your way.
    We where lucky, the hail & strong winds missed us but we did receive a nice shower of rain; actually not even a `1/2 inch but was nice for the trees, lawn, flowers, etc.

  2. Very well captured and it looks like the bolt went to ground.

  3. Amazing photo. That storm was pretty intense! I captured a photo from the storm as well.

  4. Thanks for this amazing article on Two Men and a Little Farm was Just searching for Choosing a Moving Company and found this amazing website of yours.

  5. What awesome pictures you take! They are very cool!

  6. Great photos! Here in the UK we had wonderful sunny weather after the lockdown. The sunniest April on record! Which I think raised people's spirits providing they had gardens, or at least somewhere to take a daily walk,as allowed. I am so lucky living in a small village, but I must admit I have enjoyed a few rain showers - I love the sound of rain falling on the roof and the plants. No thunderstorms nearby, but just a few miles away give us the showers


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