
Sunday, September 27, 2020


On this lazy Sunday, I thought I'd share some of the color currently in bloom.

All of these are blooming in their pots as they have not been planted in the ground yet.  We wanted them around the house but with this year originally having been planned to be the year of the house being redone but of course, 2020...

This is the yesterday/today/tomorrow plant gifted to me a year or two ago.  It's doing great, we just keep it watered and it's happy.  The scent is intoxicating!

This is lantana.  These do SO great in our area. We know some people don't like them (they have a unique scent for sure) but they are so drought tolerant and usually freeze tolerant (for our freezes anyway) they make for great color in landscaping.  We have several of these purchased on clearance just waiting for their forever homes, ha.  

Honestly I can't remember what these are called but they have done well in our heat and only being watered occasionally.  They have a great pop of color.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  It's still hot here ugh, but the forecast is showing cool weather coming!


  1. Beautiful photos. Dang, right off hand I can't think of the name of the flower in your last photo. Will probably think of it in my sleep. I'm sure I would know once I heard it.
    That is why it is so important to do a gardening journal of the plants that you plant, ( bit of information on how to care for each & every plant); where you plant them and the date you planted, also make name tags as well

    1. That maybe some type of Salvia or relative of.

  2. pretties. our tree leaves are beginning to change colors and the hot humid weather has gone away.

  3. Beautiful pictures! I have all of them in my yard. They are all hardy. The last one is Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii).

  4. That Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow plant I bet would be gorgeous strimmed and formed into a tree instead of a shrub even tho a shrub would be nice, but formed into a tree I bet would be stunning.
    I only wish I was able to plant one in my yard but we have all sun here, but from what I have read they need part shade. It sure is one gorgeous plant; something to add real beauty to one's yard.

  5. Our colors here are in the trees. I'll share later this week our drive in Vermont.


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