
Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Here is a food post as just a reminder that simple is good, simple is comfort and during these difficult times, we can all use a little (or a lot) of that.

One of the things we bought during prepping was several bags of Italian Farro.  It's a grain and at the time, was kind of new for us.  But wow do we love it.  We use the farro, a pound of beef stew meat we had in the freezer and some mixed vegetables.  

2nd Man sautéed the meat with some garlic and a little beef broth.  You just cook it the way you like it.  Meanwhile boil some water and add the farro (just like if you were cooking pasta) and reduce to simmer for about 30 minutes (we followed the bag instructions).  In the last few minutes, we added the frozen mixed vegetables just so they would thaw and heat up in the simmering water.  Drain all and add the meat and any pan juices/drippings.

You can add whatever seasonings you like and of course whatever vegetables you like.  

We just keep these ingredients on hand now and make it often.  We always have some bags of frozen vegetables and we keep several 1 lb bags of beef stew meat.  Then all you need is rice, pasta or grains.  In this case the farro was new for us but so good.  It's kind of hearty, almost like an oatmeal type grain.  Very filling and a great flavor.


  1. YUM! That looks Delicious.
    I do like cooking my rice, pasta, in chicken, beef or vegetable broth/stock. I use vegetable stock more than anything. I think it just gives it that extra flavor to the dish.
    My roast/stew meat I will braise in wine or beer.

  2. I would think the stew meat would have to cook longer to get tender. Is it a more tender cut of beef than traditional stew beef?

  3. I love farro. It is especially good with beef stew!

  4. This looks really delicious! I need to start trying some of these other grains that you are eating.
    Like Colleen, I like to cook my rice and pasta in soup broth bases. Penzey’s makes some really good ones.

  5. I have never had farro, but intend to try it now.

  6. I I absolutely adore farro!! It is soooo yummy! I use farro, pasta sauce, eggplant and top it with cheese right at the end. So good!!!


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