
Saturday, May 30, 2020


Male and female cardinals (click to enlarge)
Off to the farm.  

2nd Family said we got about 4 inches of rain so the ground will be too wet to mow but the hope is wet enough to easily get the posts in the ground around the fruit tree area.

Took the picture above last weekend.  After I mow the birds go crazy all over the yard.  I guess seeds and bugs are upturned and they have an all you can eat buffet.  That's when I saw these two cardinals looking around for some good eats, ha.  

Stay safe this weekend!


  1. Great photo. How lucky of you to get a photo of the male & female together like that.
    Have noticed with the cardinals that we have that the male makes a different sound than the female.
    We have several bird feeders up to attract different birds. It's fun to watch & listen to the birds come to the feeders and then fly off into the trees and sing their own little sounds.

    1. I wil have to pay closer attention to the sounds. I love hearing birds at the farm, so many different songs. I'll have to record it sometime.

  2. cardinals build their nests in the arbs that line our driveway. when we pull in there is a flurry of red.

    1. Oh wow I bet that is stunning! I think they are one of my favorite birds to see. Just so colorful...they stand out for sure.

  3. Young Cardinals look like females,but with a black bill.

  4. Cardinals come out as soon as my husband finishes mowing too. The bugs are one buffet item that is too good to pass up.

    1. We seem to have quite a few out there but I never really see them until after I mow and then it's fleeting glimpses of them in the trees. Thankfully the red stands out in the green trees, ha. Christmas!!

  5. I have tons of cardinals this year. I currently have a family of babies.

    1. Oh my gosh that is so neat. I bet they are really neat to see. And of course they ARE fabulous of course!

  6. I HAD about a dozen cardinals at my house. All the birds in my trees--cardinals, robins, mockingbirds--cam out and covered the yard. The bird known as chickens loved it when the person who mowed my yard emptied the grass catcher into their pen. I had them just put it in heaps all over, never spreading it. The chickens were so grateful and happy, jumping on the piles and scratching and pecking. Soon, the clippings were fully spread. When you have chickens, if you catch and put in grass clippings, the hens will love you. And, the other birds still love the mown lawn.

  7. I am SO envious of anyone who has Cardinals around their house. We have none here in CA, and they are my favorite bird. Filled with bird envy, for sure.

  8. That’s a good picture of your cardinals. I have a pair that come to my feeder. They seem to like feeding when there are no other birds around.

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