
Friday, June 12, 2020


This isn't really a thrift store find, I found this on eBay but we were so excited we had to post.  Ebay works great during the pandemic, ha.

Solar Tea pitcher and matching glasses

This is a vintage pitcher and matching glasses.  They have a sun face image and the words "solar tea".  If that sounds familiar, remember when we posted HERE about the vintage solar tea jar that my Mom had found once at a thrift store?

Click on the link for the background on that.

Solar Tea jar and matching pitcher and glasses

Well, here is that same solar tea maker next to the newly acquired pitcher and glasses.  It's the SAME logo and wording!  So some 40 or 50 years after they were originally meant to be together, now they are together once again, ha.  The glasses and pitcher match the big print on the sun tea jar, exact same font and same sun image.  How cool is that?

The weekend is almost here and it's supposed to be really hot.  I think there might be some sun tea in our future. 


  1. What a perfect find! The set looks great together. And just in time for the hot weather.

  2. Perfect set. Just too bad that you only have 5 glasses but maybe someday you will find another ice tea glass.
    Perfect timing in making some sun tea.
    Yuppers; up in the upper 90's for this weekend.

    1. Or maybe it's a set of four with a spare, lol.

  3. cool! my friend dr. spo ( makes sun tea all the time. he would love this set. what a find for you!

  4. This is just so VERY neat! I LOVE it. As a HUGE tea drinker - I probably average 50/50 on water and tea and rarely drink anything else I love tea items.

    So now the question! what do you brew? I tend to mix a few teas. I do have a few fancy tea balls for brewing loose teas, but my every day ix 8 cups water, 4 tea bags black/orange pekoe blend like Red Rose, and 4 tea bags of green tea. Salada is my favorite green tea. Sometimes I sub 1 large Luzanne bag for the Red Rose, because that goes on sale a decent prices pretty often.

    I use a little real organic cane sugar, no fake sweeteners here! And LOTS of lemon. Like the juice from 4 large lemons. My electric juicer is the only appliance that's always out on my counter because I use it at least once a day.

    But my favorite trick is making my ice cubes from the prepared - sweetened with lemon - tea. That way as the "ice" melts, it doesn't dilute the tea.

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