
Friday, May 1, 2020


Every few days, we are going to post some food/meals we are eating.  Usually there will be no recipe, what we want to post is just a reminder that simple is good, simple is comfort and during these times, we can all use a little (or a lot) of that.

This is of course a dinner you can have anytime of the year but it makes for a nice meal during the middle of the quarantine.

Two steaks and two potatoes.

Wrap the potatoes in foil, put in the oven at 400 degrees for about 45 minutes.  

Cook the steak the way you like it.  2nd Man uses his favorite method, a steel pan, and my gosh they are so good. I like mine medium rare, he likes his rare.  The steel pan gives steaks a nice brown surface like if you were grilling.

Then just some butter, a little shredded cheese, some sour cream and chives on the potatoes and serve alongside the steaks.  A glass of wine and it was a great pandemic meal that didn't use up too many resources.  We had the steaks in the freezer and the potatoes in a basket in the pantry.  We had already stocked up the fridge with  cheese, butter, sour cream, some veggies, etc, and we have a wine fridge that holds 24 bottles and it was stocked up.

Stay safe and eat well!


  1. Steak and all time favorite. We salt our steaks on both sides and put in the refrigerator for a day or two and then cook in a cast iron pan. YUM. Got that from one of the chefs on HGTV. Also, we put sea salt on our potatoes on the outside and then bake. YUM.

  2. there are definitely some aspects of quarantine that are good!

  3. That looks delicious! I used the last of our potatoes today when I cooked it with carrots and chicken tenders. I put up a meal of the same for tomorrow and froze two tenders to a bag, five bags, which will make another five meals for us. Looking at your pictures--I bought a can of Beach Cliff sardines today.

  4. I was doing freezer inventory yesterday and realized I still had a steak in there. Very excited about that lol. Of course as well I still have a lot of potatoes left from my garden.

  5. Oh, yum! 😋 That’s some good eating!

  6. Looks good but you're missing something green on your plate - a vegetable of some sort or salad.

  7. I'm not really a steak eater but I'm sure it must had been delicious.


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