
Saturday, May 16, 2020


We've had rain.  Quite a bit.

Thankfully, no flooding but according to 2nd Family, we had about 3" at the farm.  Lots of standing water out there today.

Now the stats above are from LAST weekend when I mowed.  I always like to have these posted so I can quickly go back and look at stats later on while I'm checking the blog.  Last Saturday was evidenced by this before and after. 

Above is last Saturday when I mowed...

...and today.  I'm glad this was the "off week" on mowing.  That means with all the water that has fallen from the sky the last couple of days, next weekend the grass will definitely be ready to be mowed.  And edged.  And probably raked, ha.  No, who am I kidding, we never rake.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  We are expecting more rain later today.


  1. It's been raining here all day non-stop.
    I do know that we received at least an inch as that is what we received late Friday evening & into Sat. morning. I won't know till morning how much rain received but I would guess between 2-3 inches or more as it's still raining; care hear it outside the window.
    We also have small puddles of water standing in our yard. At least we know where the low spots are.
    Nice to have the rain but it can quit at any time but then again the rainfall is filling our rain tanks; which is a good thing. The neighbors ducks here are sure enjoying the rain but they just won't stay off the road and are in no big hurry in getting to the other side & out of the way.
    I know; come the heat of the summer months we wish we would get rain.
    Take care & stay safe & stay healthy.

    Sure is a difference in the sky photos

    1. It was a rainy Saturday. Sunday was nicer but of course we had to watch our NASCAR race, ha. We needed it so we're ok with it. Just needs to be during the week instead of the weekend, ha. Oh and yes, 2nd Family's ducks are always splashing around in the standing water and you are right, they are not in any hurry to more, ha.

  2. we need rain and might get some today. i've done so much planting that we really need it. your place looks so pretty.

    1. Hope y'all got some rain. I know your garden and beautiful plants can use it. Thanks, it's pretty when it's all green. Since were were going to be doing something about the house this year before all this mess started, the last year or so we've ignored flowers and color around the house. Now it will most likely be another year before we can do anything so we have to go without pretty flowerbeds. But the green is pretty. It's peaceful.

  3. Finally, the promised images of last weekend! - but not that many of them! Doesn't seem much point to spend time at the farm right now. Roderick

    1. Yep! Ha sorry it wasn't many. Hopefully you saw todays pics. If I was off during the pandemic/quarantine I'd be out there during the week all the time. But even though I am working from home, I still have to be sitting there at the makeshift desk for 9 hours a day. So weekends, unless they are just a monsoon rain all weekend, that's the only time we can go out there. It's good to check the house, make sure no leaks, make sure any wind hasn't demaged trees, hail on the garden or anything like that. I hate when I can't mow though because not only do I enjoy it, it just keeps things looking so nice. Hopefully this weekend will be a nice. Have a great week!

  4. A big difference in the sky in those pictures!
    I’m glad you got some good rain at the Farm. I know all of your fruit trees and garden plants are happy. And your grass!
    I was glad that we got 3.75 inches. My yard, fruit trees, and garden are very happy also.

    1. Big difference. Thankfully it wasn't pouring rain, just overcast and occasional sprinkles. And yes we needed it. The plants, fruit, veggies, trees, grass, they all loved it.

  5. We're getting rain now in M Michigan. It started this evening and is supposed to continue through till Tues late morning, with a forecast total od over 2", which may not seem a lot to many of youm but we still have flooding finally receding from our snow melt. The weather service I subscribe to has been sending flash flood warnings hourly, and all the rivers and lakes are higher than we've seen in out 8 years up here. Add forcast 25mph winds with higher gusts and it'll be interesting.

    Several days ago when rain was first forecast I was going to rush to get my seedlings planted so they'd get watered in well, but I'm glad I checked the weather beforehand!

    1. We saw some really heavy raining up there, hope you all are ok. I can related to that seedling problem. A few years ago I planted a couple of beds full of seedlings and figured "a nice rain would be good for them". Oops, they were beaten down and mostly washed away. Hope you get to plant soon. :-)


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