
Friday, June 26, 2020


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  

I've found several cool items over the last couple of years.  Here is one of the latest!*


It's a wine crate.  And that's about all we know, ha.  There was no lid, I looked for it.  Oh well.

Still though, it is a nice and solid wooden box.  It's surprising how thick the wood is, though given the original contents (expensive bottles of wine) I'm guessing that makes sense.

We can always use a good box for something. With the "wine" name on the front, it might be cool in a bar area or the kitchen.  Time will tell.

We are in a weird weather pattern, clear then heavy rains and storms, then clear, then heavy rains and storms, lather, rinse, repeat.  Not sure what this weekend will hold.  But at least it's Friday...


  1. The wine crates where used to store and display bottles of wine in at Sam's Club so they had no lids.
    When hubby worked at Sam's he was able to bring several crates home cause they was just throwing them away and I must say, they do come in handy for all sorts of things.

  2. That is a great find! So many cool things that can be made with it.

  3. Collen is right! There are no nail hole marks on the upper edges of the box, so there never was a cover. Roderick
    P.S. Does the lock down mean that you are both blocked from spending and so are saving money like mad for the replacement building at the farm?
    And congratulations on it being the fifth anniversary of the right to marry!

  4. I have been seeing the reports of viral surges in your state. Please stay safe.

  5. books, vinyl record albums, the possibilities are endless.

  6. Put a piece of glass on it and call it a table! Put something cool inside or not.

  7. I just looked on ebay and the same box was listed for 32.50

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