
Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Every once in awhile, we are going to post some food/meals we are eating.  Usually there will be no recipe, what we want to post is just a reminder that simple is good, simple is comfort and during these times, we can all use a little (or a lot) of that.

This is simple...a bag of barley/peas/lentils blend, a pound of ground beef, an onion (diced), two sweet potatoes (also chopped), a can of diced tomatoes (had to add that to the picture as a cut and paste, ha) and a bag of frozen mixed vegetables.  

We browned the ground beef and added the onion.  Once they had cooked down a bit, we added the sweet potatoes, tomatoes, frozen vegetable and the water (according to package directions).  Nice and quick and doesn't use too many ingredients... also makes a BIG batch since we used the whole bag (but it looks small, ha) and we added meat and veggies.  How easy is this?  Very, and oh so satisfying.  No real recipe, just putting some things together.  Cooking without recipes is fun, ha!

The funny thing is this bag of mixed grains (I picked up three) was pretty much all they had left when I made a last minute stop at Whole Foods right as the pandemic started and we were quarantined.

We discovered something new we love.


  1. That looks delicious! I'm going to look for that mixed package of barley, peas, and lentils.

    1. Oh it's so good. It's from Whole Foods for sure, near where they have all the grains and rice and stuff (aisle not bulk). It was a great combination.

  2. Just using what is there makes for an easy and delicious meal.

    1. Yep, and you never know you might accidentally create something you want to have again and again.

  3. Nothing is better sometimes than a thrown together meal. When my kids were little and we had a one pan meal cobbled together with things I had in the house already, I called it cowboy food, which seemed to make it much more palatable for them.

    1. Cowboy food, I love it!! You can make a lot from just finding some random things thrown together.

  4. Great looking meal.
    I tell my hubby; using what you have on hand and what is available, makes for the best meals sometimes.
    In my freezer I keep a ziplock bag of left-over veggies and also a baggie for meat; 1baggie for chicken, baggie for beef, etc.
    In a crockpot I may throw in the baggie of left-over veggies and a bag of chicken along with some chicken broth / stock and let it cook. Makes for a great meal and can also serve it over rice .

    1. What a great idea for the leftover veggies and meat. Will have to remember that. And you are so right, almost anything works over rice. Always good to have on hand. .

  5. Looks colorful and delicious! This is the way I do 95 percent of my cooking :) The only difference is I use a crockpot most of the time - often throwing things in the crock in the evening and cooking on Low til morning. It's so nice to wake up to a house that smells like something good to eat!

    1. We need to use our crockpot more often. Oh and you are so right, when you wake up to that aroma it's like someone came in and prepared a meal while you were asleep, ha.


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