
Monday, June 15, 2020


Well, we are starting week three of having the fruit trees surrounded by deer fencing...

...and so far, so good.  Without being there of course there is no way to know what is actually happening but we know we DO have some deer because the trail cam has captured them in the front yard and driveway.  We can't put the camera facing the fencing because the infrared light makes the fishing line glow at night and that defeats the purpose but at least we know there are some around.  With the fencing however...

...we have these two plums!

And these pears (there is a third one higher up).

Deer probably don't eat citrus but regardless, we have these oranges...

...and these limes.

There are also still apples on the apple tree but I forgot to get a picture of them. Last week we got one of the ripe peaches off the peach tree so that was safe too.

So far it seems to be working, knock on wood.  This coming weekend will be time to edge around them for the first time with the fencing up.

Here's to future fruit salad, LOL!

(And for those who missed yesterday's post, you can see our first garden tiny harvest HERE)


  1. Glad for you that your fencing is working for you and that your fruit trees are doing so well. What a great beginning.
    Enjoy your day and have a wonderful evening

    1. Thank you! Yes, hoping it works. So far so good!!!

  2. I bet those are going to taste so good!

    1. Aww thanks, yes we've already shared one peach and wow so good.

  3. I still find planting something green in the yard and having it result in food to be downright magical, whether it's a carrot or a watermelon. Good looking fruit there!

    1. Right? I am constantly amazed that food just appears. Food we see in the stores is just right there on the plant in front of us. It's indeed magical! (love that description!)

  4. Your trees are doing so well! And look at that beautiful fruit growing on them!

  5. I may be dense, but what difference does it make whether the deer see the fence or not?

    1. Oh that is a legit question, it's weird to us too, no worries. Apparently from people who've done this, deer who see a fence will gauge how high they need to jump, or can realize they can get in. What this does is, being "invisible" (in a way) they are just wandering around and something touches them and they get spooked and go the other direction. Deer are notoriously easily spooked by a noise, a sound or a touch. After this happens a few times they start avoiding the area. We're guessing this is all anecdotal but hey, I'll follow the instructions and cross my fingers, ha!!

    2. Thanks. Hopefully, it works that way.


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