
Saturday, July 18, 2020


Today we skipped the farm because we're going to a relatively new thing in the time of the pandemic, a drive by birthday party!  It's for our dear friends' son Cameron, he was born 9 years ago.  Such an amazing boy, we adore him.  

His parents are having a drive by car parade.  What a memorable birthday this will be.  Let's hope this time next year things are back to normal.  

Tomorrow I will head to the farm, probably won't have to mow but will check on things, water, etc.

Hope you are having a good weekend and stay safe!


  1. And what a lovely, and uplifting sign of the times it is.

  2. It is heart-warming to see people are making things special. In September i think i will have a drive-by Birthday celebration for really.

  3. Happy Birthday to Cameron! A great idea to help make this child's special day very happy.

  4. What a special day it must have been for Cameron. That will probably be something that he will never forget.

  5. I accidentally got in the middle of a drive by birthday parade for one of my neighbors. I was just trying to come home from Mom's house and was inadvertently in the middle of a parade. Luckily I know and really like this neighbor (didn't know it was her birthday) so I was able to honk, wave and wish her a happy one.


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