
Saturday, July 25, 2020


For those who saw yesterday's post you know we are staying in town as Hurricane Hanna heads inland.

Hurricane Hanna radar image
Here is a radar shot from about an hour ago.  As you can see it is making landfall much further South of us than originally anticipated.  However you can see the rain bands from the rotation are training across our part of the state.  They say we'll have more rain tomorrow but it might move quick enough that our training bands may move on sooner.  We'll see how the day goes tomorrow.

Stormy downtown Houston
Here is a shot from the balcony in town right now.  Definitely a rainy day.  It's typical tropical activity though, sunny for a bit and then dark and heavy rain, then clearing up again.

So we're just hanging around inside watching TV and 2nd Man is cooking.  As for Hobart...

Hobart is holding on
...well he is "hunkering down" by straddling the arm of the couch and holding know, in case the building blows over or something, LOL!  Hey, he makes it work, I guess that's all that matters.

Hope you are off to a better start of the weekend. 


  1. We have been getting bands of rain all day. My garden and yard are now very happy with this rain.
    Hobart has the right idea! My kitty and I have taken a nap this afternoon – good snoozing weather.

  2. Just now saw the radar on TV, and hoping it will be less intense and not longer.
    I'm smiling at Hobart, not a care in the world !
    Stay safe dear friend.

  3. You had me at Hobart! Stay safe and dry guys.

  4. I LOVE HOBART! he doesn't realize how spoiled he is. take care under the storm/virus threat. what's 2nd man cooking for dinner and what time is dinner?

  5. Hobart is a charmer. You and he know this though.
    Stay safe.

  6. Today was a beautiful with good things happening (On my blog) until about 3 pm when it stormed. It was still a good day, just not so sunny and beautiful.

  7. Stay safe and make sure sweet Hobart gets his proper nap in. :)

  8. Stay dry; stay safe and Hobart; you just need to relax & chill out. :}
    Yesterday; our chance of showers blew right on over. Maybe today we will get a nice, light shower of rain

    Faith Is. . . holding on tight when the going gets windy.
    Take care & hopefully when it all passes that you have no damage at the farm.

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