
Monday, August 17, 2020


It was a hot weekend.

It was our anniversary weekend.

We're in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.

Welcome to Summer 2020, ha. 

I went to the farm Saturday.  Thankfully I didn't have to mow.  With no rain and hot temps, the only thing growing is the grass around the buildings and fruit trees.  Here is a before...

...and here is an after.
It's better than nothing, ha.

The fruit tree beds got edged too.  And the inside cleaned out and on that all I do is edge inside the raised beds from the grass that's growing in there.

It was the least amount to do.  Watered well and then came back into town.

It was also our anniversary weekend (which several of you remembered, thank you for that). 21 years.  That's a long time.  Didn't imagine that last year when we thought about what we could do for this anniversary that we'd be in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, in lockdown, and one of us out of a job.


We decided to get out and go do something like a normal routine.  We got our masks and gloves on and went to a store to just relax and wander around.  We went inside and it was packed with people.  Kids running around without masks, some adults without masks and I kid you not, I even saw a woman pull down her mask to sneeze and then put it back on. 

Not sure if it's PTSD but we were feeling very uncomfortable and looked at each other and said "let's just leave".  It was crazy.  Not sure how long it's going to be until society gets back to normal.  Even with a vaccine at some point in the future, it feels like it's going to be a while before we are feeling normal again.

We stopped at our favorite place to get fried chicken to go. Our tradition used to be to go and have it in person but not right now.  

2nd Man had made a pan of homemade mac and cheese...

...and for those worried we aren't getting our veggies, we had some bowls of salad to start with. We even had seconds on the salad it was so good.

2nd Man asked if I wanted pie or cake.  Given the choice, I'm more of a pie guy so he made a pie.  It was a good weekend for eating, ha.

Now today it's back the normal routine.  Or what's become the new normal in these strange times.


  1. Let me be the first to congratulate you on TWENTY ONE YEARS! That's wonderful and I wish you many, many more of great content and happiness. Sorry that the plague prevents you from a proper celebration but you are alive! Roderick

  2. Congratulations

    Congratulations <3 I'm glad you both found someone to love

  3. well hell, I didn't know that one of you is unemployed. that sux.

    everything 2nd man made for your anniversary dinner looks dee-lish; but then again, he's always cooking up something good.

    we have gotten a mini-break from the 90+F heat; it's 8/17 and we have the windows open and it's 77F.

    I gave you an anniversary shout-out on my blog. I hope youse guys have many many more anniversaries to celebrate.

  4. congrats on 21 years! i won't go anywhere unless i have to. there are too many idiots out there. we've all learned a lot this year and i think that one thing we've learned is that there are tons of people with literally zero common sense! stay home and stay safe!

  5. Congratulations on 21 years! You're a great couple. Here's a toast to many more to come!
    Sorry to hear one of you is out of a job. I won't inquire as to which one since you didn't choose to share.
    Nice to see your veggie course (I think I have mentioned the lack thereof on occasion.)

  6. Happy Anniversary!! It's been hot here near San ANtonio too. We registered 109 on Friday and that was in the shade. We are expecting rain sometime hopefully today but I won't hold my breath.

  7. Congratulations! My wish for you is 2x21 more years of happiness!

  8. Happy Anniversary! And sorry regarding the job situation - that's tough.
    Just want to add how much I enjoy your blog - well written and always interesting. And lots of yummy food pics - lol!

  9. How lovely. Something really wonderful to celebrate. Congratulations, and many, many more. I check in with you here every day. It's the same at our house, only one of us working now. But, guess what? We find we're not spending as much money! So, as long as we can stay healthy, everything else is manageable.

  10. Twenty-one years! A very happy anniversary to you two. How the world has changed. My anniversary was Aug. 21st. This year would have been 42 years. How glad I am to be divorced and how glad I am that you two are together.


  11. Happy Anniversary to you both! I love following your blog...I'm a senior widow living in best friend for 70+ years lives in Fort Worth...I love Texas!! And your mac/cheese is just so yum-looking!!

  12. Congrats on 21 years! That food is making my hungry. I love fried chicken

  13. Happy Anniversary! I wish you a wonderful day and hope and pray your next anniversary will be normal. Though I am not a violent person, in my mind I would have bitch slapped the sneezing woman.

    1. This gave me my best laugh of the day, Anne! I live in Amish country and apparently they think they can't get the virus and none of them wear masks. I walk away before I get too near them and have often thought of bitch slapping them! Thanks for the laugh - I needed that today! Jean

  14. Another Year:
    Another year to create
    precious memories together.
    Another year to discover
    new things to enjoy about each other.
    Another year to build
    a life rich in love and laughter.
    Another year to strengthen
    a marriage that defines "forever."
    Happy Belated Anniversary!

  15. Happy Anniversary
    Altho, rather belated, I still wish you more beautiful years together.

  16. What an ordeal in the store, especially with that woman pulling down her mask to sneeze! I had to go to the grocery store today - most wore their masks correctly, but some just had it on their mouth, and one even had it just on her chin.
    The food looks sooo delicious! 2nd Man's talents in the kitchen are awesome!
    Wishing y'all a very Happy Anniversary and many more!

  17. I call it lockdown lunacy, the behaviour of some people. My, all those look gorgeous. Watching my weight at the moment so can’t indulge:(

  18. Happy Anniversary, stay safe, stay well


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