
Sunday, September 6, 2020


I thought that on this Sunday I'd just post some random photos that I've taken and been meaning to post but keep forgetting to do that...

Remember a few weeks back we did the "water fountain vs drinking fountain vs bubbler" question?  Some of you mentioned in these times they probably aren't even being used.  I saw this at the grocery store and thought 'YEP! No use for them now!" (and they called them water fountains, ha).

Saw these flowers in landscaping done by the city.  I was stopped at a light so I took a quick picture.  I always liked to see when something is professionally landscaped because it gives me ideas on things to do.  These are done in the layering effect with tallest toward the back.  Of course since these are done by the city landscapers, they have to be good selections to deal with our climate.  

We see Mexican heather at the front, then pentas maybe?  Are those zinnias near the back?  Can anyone ID it all?

We've had sporadic heavy rain on and off all weekend. It's OK we need the rain for sure. Things are very dry in this neck of the woods. I didn't have to mow so that was good, in this heat, it's fine.

I'm back in the office, the boss wanted us back in.  We don't allow customers in without appointment and then they must wear masks, social distance etc.  Now we are a small office but still I don't want everyone right up in my space so I put this sign up to keep coworkers from just coming around to stand next to or behind me.

Saw this image and loved it.  The numbers are coming down in the Houston area which is good, but we worry about this holiday weekend because people become complacent or go "hey, it's all better now" and we could have a spike.  We had one after Memorial Day that shut us back down, then another, albeit smaller one, after 4th of July.  People need to stay vigilant.  This isn't over.  Just wear your mask, no one likes it, no one likes the isolation but lets do this to be safe for everyone and then we can get back to some sense of normalcy at some point.

And last but certainly not least, this was a project I first heard about over on Marcia's blog a couple of months back.  It's a group that is reminding registered voters to get out and vote this year.  They wanted hand written notes on preprinted postcards because they are more personalized.  It was a crowd sourcing effort so you could request 25 to fill out or 100.  I signed up for 100.  Several times!  It was fun, I just wrote them out while sitting and watching TV.  They provided the postage paid return envelope and so once complete, I just sent them all back and they will be mailed out to all the addresses just prior to early voting for that state.  It's nice to a do a small part to help out in the election this year.

That's been about it for this weekend.


  1. Are you going to request that people cover their noses, too? People somehow think that covering their chin or barely their mouth is safe or all that is required to stop the virus. I read that covering the nose is really more important than the mouth.

  2. Yes, the 3rd row of flowers are zinnias; very easy to grow and collect seeds once dry but sometimes they will reseed.
    The greenery in the back; I think of of the name right off hand.
    Too the right, in the back I believe is Variegated Liriope (Liriope muscari 'Variegata'). If I'm correct on that it should shoot out Lilac flowers which appear on stems as tall as the leaves.

    If you want to know for sure what the row of greenery is behind the zinnia's take a photo to your local nursery and they should be able to tell you what that is.

    Many places here have actually shut the water off to their water fountains or have large bags covering them up. I always take bottled water with me in small cooler that holds 4 bottles when we go into town. If we get thirsty while riding in the truck, the cooler of ice cold water is handy.

    1. Not for certain, but that group of greenery behind the zinnias looks like Maki plants which grows into shrub / bushes; yet it looks like they are really planted close together considering they can get quite large but then again, it could be a dwarf variety.
      I hope you find out for sure on what it is. I'm really curious now on what it may be for sure.

  3. Thanks for the shout out to my blog. Would you believe my postcards never arrived? I signed up twice, too. I'm glad you were able to do the project.

  4. you should have seen pix of the beaches round these parts yesterday. packed in wall-to-wall on the sand. wait two weeks and ZOOM! up go the numbers.

  5. It looks like caladiums are planted between the row of pentas and the row of zinnias. Also, in the back, that could be dwarf bottlebrush.
    I was really looking forward to that cool front coming through but it seems it will stall out before it gets here. And I’m hoping for some rain. I got just .3 yesterday and need a lot more.


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