
Thursday, October 15, 2020


On Thursdays we like to post a picture of something we've found online that inspires us to do something similar at the farm. Sort of our own blog bulletin board so that we can eventually look back and someday, hopefully anyway, recreate it...enjoy!

Here is something fun.  I like an arbor.  I haven't convinced 2nd Man yet.  But I saw this and thought it was a neat way of doing it. This was a DIY project someone had done (on  It sure would be nice to have something like this with a simple deck underneath and create a sort of outdoor room.

Living room, dining room, etc. and then some beautiful climbing vines.  It would be a nice extra room for the house at the farm. A place to go and relax and enjoy the outdoors. (when the weather is nice of course)

Be inspired!


  1. That is cool but I would plant non-flowering vines so that you wouldn't be bothered by the bees, wasps or hornets. I would also lay square stepping stones in place of the wood for the seating area and then use your wood border to plant your plants.

    1. Great place to put a hammock along with a small end table for you to place your ready material (seed catalogs or whatever) along with a cold drink. Oh, just in case you fall asleep in the hammock, you may need to have an alarm clock handy :)

  2. I love that idea! I have a spot in my backyard where the trees form a natural arbor. It's a great spot, and I'd like to do more with it.



  3. "When the weather is nice"...exactly. If I am going to have a deck, I want it useable at all times. Even after a rain, this thing would drip. Ants will fall in your food and drink. and leaves.

  4. I love this! It would be such a beautiful and relaxing area. It could even be great for a grape arbor.
    Instead of the metal, you could bend PVC pipe or cattle panels into arches.

  5. Looks lovely! Nice and cool on a hot summer day. My aunt had one which was more square and the grew grapes. I’d want to do a mixture of stuff that could hang down. Grapes, maybe some cucumbers and squash.

  6. Ours is similar but we addded 2x4's (clamped on to the metal) so we could then add a cover. Everything is screened then the cover is over that. We can roll up the sides for summer, then roll down for winter. I must say, I think I love it more in winter. we have a mini fire pit in there for the winters and there is a flap-gap above the door we we can sit in there with the snow falling, fire burning, and not worry about fumes or smoke as they float right out the flap-gap. Summer is nice cuz we have nasty biting flies (worse than mosquitoes) and our breaks between weeding can be relaxing.

  7. We moved into a house 4 years ago that has a beautiful pergola. It has carolina jasmine growing up and over it. Well it was pretty and smelled great. But the bees were on it when it was in bloom and it was not friendly to sit under. We had to pull it all off and relocate it to a back fence. We don't have anything growing on it now and its much nicer to sit under. We do wish it had a roof and are planning on putting something over it so we can sit out under it when it rains.


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